Genealogy in Land Records–a Preliminary Edition

Genealogy In Land Records
c 2008 Arlene H. Eakle and Linda E. Brinkerhoff
Property records are the most critical sources in the English-speaking world to prove one generation to another. Father and Mother, grandparents and great grandparents, siblings, cousins, and other relationships underlie these records. So Linda and I are creating an all-you-ever-wanted-to know research guide on understanding Genealogy in Land Records.

This publication offered here and newly compiled, is just a small beginning for the guidance you will need to pull all the evidence from these remarkable records. We are reproducing the Table of Contents so you can see what we have already prepared.
Table of Contents:
Genealogy in Land Records
How to Prove Father/Son Relationship
Creation and Custody of Property Records
British Legislation Affecting the American Colonies, 1763-74
Western Land Claims and Cessions by the States
Land Policies of the United States, 1785-1862
Land Policies of the United States, 1785-1916
Map: Canals in the United States, 1785-1850
Map: Federal Land Grants for Railroads
Glossary of Public Land Terms
Standard Map Symbols for Land Records
And Status Use
Map Sources
US Land Records: Reading Land Records for
Genealogical Evidence to Prove Family Relationships
How to Read Title Deeds
How to Find Your Property on the Ground
Bounty Lands: Proof of Settlement and Military Service
Study Bibliography
Why Bounty Land Records Are Important
Bounty Land Records Checklist
Georgia Land Lotteries
Map: Hall’s Original County Map of Georgia
Map: Georgia—Early Roads and Trails, ca 1730-1850
Kentucky Research: A Closer Look…
Virginia Land Records in Kentucky and Ohio
Map: State of Kentucky, 1794
Map: Atlas of New York Resources
Land Speculation: New York Research
Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society
Land Company Records Checklist
Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Map: New York in 1796
The History of Land Titles in Western North Carolina
Judicial Districts in North Carolina
Land Divisions, Early Settlements, and Military Posts
Map: Land Divisions, Ohio
Virginia Military District Records in the
State Land Office
Pennsylvania Land Warrantee Maps
Map: Improved Part of Pennsylvania
Private Land Records: Land Companies and Speculators
Checklist of Records: Land Companies
Land Companies in Pennsylvania
Map: Pennsylvania—Early Claims of CT, MD, VA
Map: CT, DE Purchase of the Susquehanna Purchase
Map: Boundaries of Land Grants and Settlements
Checklist of Pennsylvania Sources
Map: Pennsylvania, 1780
Map: County and State Boundaries of the US, 1790
Sources and Records on the Southwest
Pennsylvania Frontier
Map: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware,
Virginia, and West Virginia County Boundaries
Map: Outline Map of Virginia Claims in
Southwest Pennsylvania
Map: Western Maryland Railway
Map: Distribution of South Carolina Habitations, 1776
Tennessee Research
Land Map of Tennessee
Map: Defunct Counties of Tennessee
Tennessee Civil Jurisdictions
Why Jurisdictions Are Important
Pioneer Possessions
Virginia’s Royalist Elite: Descent Pedigree
Virginia Law Code, 1748 Revision
Virginia Tax and Rent Rolls: A Checklist of Evidence
Thousands of Virginians Moved West, 1782-1792
Northern Neck Proprietary: Rent Rolls, 1721-1780
Process of Patenting Vacant Land in Virginia
Land Ownership Maps, Virginia and West Virginia
Map: Virginia Military District
Map: Gores in Steuben County, New York
Map: Indiana Land Purchase, 1791-1809
Map: George Rogers Clark Grant, 1785
Suggested Reading List

If you order this new publication by 20 October 2008, you will only pay $24.00 postpaid. At that price, this book is really a bargain! Send your order by 24 Oct to Arlene Eakle’s Genealogical Institute, PO Box 129, Tremonton UT 84337-0129. Or FAX your order to 435-553-4585. Your credit card and personal information are safe with me–I am the only one who reads the FAXes. You can also use your PayPal account and order online.

This publication was offered first at the Heritage Commission Genealogy Conference in Moorhead MN at Minnesota State University last week. And it is offered second to you, my gentle readers–only to you it is offered at a special online price! Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle.

PS In Colonial America, more than 86% of all males owned some taxable property. Don’t miss their entries because you didn’t know where to look or what records to search. This is your chance to break your losing streak!

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