$500.00 Genealogy Research Package to be given away by Arlene Eakle!

Here’s what you have to do to qualify for the drawing:

I want you to attend the Colorado Family History Expo (held at the Hotel Elegante–formerly Crowne Plaza–2886 S. Circle Drive, Colorado Springs CO 2-3 August 2013).  I am so excited about this event—because I am giving a grand prize of a $500.00 Research Package away. 

You get me with my Genealogy Know-how and field research experience–I travel regularly to Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky, and even Maryland–based on your research needs and those of my other research clients!

Wait!  There’s More!  When you attend a Family History Expo, you don’t get just me and my genealogy know-how!  You get a whole array of amazing speakers and their know-how.  And these terrific benefits:

  1. “Learn the Tech to trace your roots” from experienced nationally/internationally known instructors, software developers, and successful researchers.
  2. Download, view, and study class handouts before the event so you can come prepared with questions to ask these experts.  Once you register, you have access to all the handouts, which are available online–whether you attend the classes or not.  Go to http://familyhistoryexpos.com to register.
  3. Visit the Ask-the-Pros booth where you can bring your own personal genealogy questions to discuss with selected professional researchers present at the Expo—these experts vary at each EXPO.  For example, Ruth Maness, America’s leading Scandinavian expert will at the Colorado Expo—you can talk with her personally about your ancestors.
  4. Check out the Exhibit Hall filled with vendors who have unique products and services selected just for you–One book vendor alone will have more than 400 separate book titles for purchase.  My tables will have a selection of the books I wrotespecially to help you get higher success tracing hard-to-find ancestors.
  5. And Holly Hansen and her crew will have the most beautiful African baskets, woven in Ghana and shipped to her by Paul Ajai, who often speaks at EXPOs about his oral history projects in Ghana—where many American Black families originate.
  6. You can bring your hardest-to-find genealogy problem to me, Arlene Eakle, for FREE personal help.  My time is free at the EXPO.  Be sure to bring your pedigree—on laptop or paper—and associated family groups. When I am not speaking, I can talk to you about your research needs.
  7. You have the opportunity to attend classes:  Speakers come from throughout the United States, Canada, Israel, and Africa.  You can mingle, rub shoulders with, and talk directly with speakers and vendors:  This is a unique opportunity to increase your own knowledge and skills by sharing and networking with other genealogists present.
  8. Including me—I am speaking three times—1)  2 Aug 2:30 pm Is Your British Genealogy Already Compiled?  2)  2 Aug 6:00 pm  Basic Sources, 1775-1815 (this is the most difficult time period in American Genealogy.  3)  3 Aug 11:20 am  Scots-Irish Pedigrees
  9. Bloggers will be talking about the event via Twitter, Facebook, their own blogs, and other social media–join in the conversation and excitement–before the event and in the Exhibit Hall.

You can win amazing door prizes each hour and grand prizes at the end of the Expo! You qualify to win Grand Prizes by attending classes–This year the Grand prizes include a professional research package valued at $500 offered by me, Arlene H. Eakle:  This is the only genealogy event where you can win my research help!

Reason says:  Go with the Well-Known in Genealogy.  Instinct says:  Go with the Genealogy Know-How.  (Borrowed from Grant Thornton.com)

The Colorado Family History Expo offers you Genealogy Know-How based on experience, not just book-learning.  What a refreshing perspective awaits you!  Genealogy sources understood thoroughly will enable you (and me) to trace your hard-to-find ancestors better than any discussion on how to trace a family tree.  Think about it…

When I was working on my PhD at the University of Utah I was fortunate to get a supervising professor who accepted my request:   to spend a full quarter examining and reviewing and studying the books at the Family History Library on the British Floor.  (My degree was in English History for a genealogy purpose–which he knew and encouraged.)

“What an interesting idea,” he replied.

So I secured permission from the Library Director to set a chair in the aisle and look at each and every book in the section for England.  I took each book off the shelf, examined it.  Made notes on its contents.  Took page-shots of significant pages.  Copied articles that discussed in detail specific record categories.  Or articles that included illustrations of historical documents with genealogy details.  FHL personnel and genealogy researchers (and the young people hired specifically to count the books and reshelf those books used) thought I was nuts.

And I still have file cabinets full of those notes and documents.  If I have a question about a specific record–examples and descriptions and references to ancestors are only a few steps away from my study desk at home.  My knowledge of British Isles research expanded immensely.

In short, my concentrated study that summer quarter long ago, provided me with genealogy sources understood.   And an understanding of the specific historical evidence required to prove an English family tree.  By the time I graduated 8 years later, [took a while for me to complete my education–I had small children to care for and a genealogy business which I had launched] But, knowledge of the records was in my head and experience proving ancestors in my heart.

Come to the Colorado EXPO and learn how to expand your own expertise and success! Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle   http://arleneeakle.com

PS  All of my blogs were hijacked by robot marketers from around the world this past week. Giving me thousands of new comment subscribers and all but sinking my website.  So we are turning off the comment feature.  If you have comments, gentle reader, send me an email or a letter.  I’ll share your stuff directly on the blog.  If you made comments or asked questions that I have not yet addressed, please re-send them to me–by email or letter.


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