Genealogy Charts

The August/September 1982 issue of American Heritage Magazine is focused on “Genealogy:  The Search for a Personal Past.”  An article by Peter Andrews reproduces a series of colorful, and mostly one-of-a-kind family charts filled in with genealogical information.  The charts are identified as coming from–
__New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston MA
__Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, Williamsburg VA
__Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur DE
__Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge MA
__Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, Boston MA

“The Best Background” by Judson Hale features an additional coat-of-arms, a record chart (combination pedigree and family group), and a large family reunion photo.

“When it comes to genealogical pride, there’s nothing to equal the modest satisfaction    of a slightly threadbare, socially impregnable New Englander.  A canny guide to the subtle distinctions of America’s most rarified society.  Boston is the center of New England culture and social life.  Not because such things in other parts of New England are not as good.  They’re just not as old.”

“Life with My Ancestors” includes comments on their own genealogical background by Walter Cronkite, news commentator
Don E. Fehrenbacher, historian, Stanford University
William Manchester, biographer
Wallace Stegner, novelist

“Putting Worms Back in Apples,” describes the reconstructing of Old Sturbridge Village by Walter Karp. With pages of historical photographs, mostly in color.  The sort of thing American Heritage is noted for.

Other articles in this special issue provide more of the same for St. Louis MO and Indianapolis IN as well as old Catawba County North Carolina.

The whole magazine is well worth the locating and reading.  A very enjoyable  and informative read.  Many donations to my Genealogy Library Center, Inc. the past few weeks have included boxes and boxes of periodicals. And you know how I feel about genealogy periodicals–I read them cover-to-cover.  Adding tabs for articles that are especially valuable for the professional research and teaching that I do. Making copies of specific pages or illustrations or genealogies or genealogy charts with the data filled in.

Check with your local public library–many libraries have subscribed to American Heritage Magazine and they will usually have a run of issues.  One that you want to read is August/September 1982.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  One of the features of my Genealogy Library Center, Inc. is complete runs of many genealogy periodicals–especially in those areas that I specialize in:  New York and Pennsylvania, The South, British Isles, etc.





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