…all the good ones are under the ground.” (from The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947).
If you would like to view your family history in perspective, you could rent the Betty Grable-Dick Haines musical of 1947, The Shocking Miss Pilgrim. Boston Society and all the cliches of family history are presented humorously with dance and song–amidst women’s suffrage.
Genealogists have a tendency to take their genealogy too seriously–as if their ancestors had neither faces nor emotions. And in the process, much evidence is overlooked. The human factor is usually hilarious when separated from the myths of time. Just watch your favorite late-night comedian–straight from every-day life.
Try it–ask your Thanksgiving guests to dress-up as their favorite ancestor . You could provide a few suggestions for those who don’t know a lot about their background. And let their imaginings provide comparisons with what you already know about those very ancestors.
Much more entertaining and memorable than Disney characters or Old West desperadoes.
Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com
PS Remember the growing story archive being created on FamilySearch.org and their Family Tree, as well as other online genealogy sites.