In Memoriam…

Harry Lloyd Carle, 1927-2016, MSW

When I met Harry Carle, he was President of the Seattle Genealogical Society. He attended a genealogy workshop where I spoke and promptly endorsed the work that Nancy Pullman and I were doing. He hosted meetings and dinners; he spoke at department store sales events in behalf of the genealogy research system we had espoused and were teaching to genealogists across the country.

Harry drove me to Vancouver, Canada to address the Historian’s Association and to Chehalis to introduce family history and genealogy at local high schools. He brought me to the Community Action Council where I learned how government organizations worked (or didn’t). He introduced me to state and local government organizations and their support base. I was privileged to interview his employees, his clients, his contacts, his friends, his own support base. What I learned from his shop has served me well in understanding the United States Government and how it functions.

Professionally, Harry was a social  worker who did not believe that convicted criminals were nonredeemable. The “three strikes and you’re out” was not part of his treatment recommendation. And he redeemed many a lost soul to productive and active participation in life.

His family donated 15 boxes of genealogy files and books to the Genealogy Library Center–Harry’s research work on his own and his wife’s genealogy. He readily shared his knowledge and his research work. So I went to pick up his genealogy and his family pictures.

Those left behind, including myself, have known a noble, caring person. May we live to see him again. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS Watch this blog for a description of the families in Harry’s files.

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