****Recommended for all Genealogists****
FREE Report: “Cutting Edge Documentation for your Genealogy?
What if much of what you thought you knew about genealogy evidence and how to fit the pieces all together is just plain wrong? Would you keep doing the same things over and over again, getting the same dismal NIL (No Information Located) results? Or would you be willing to try something radically different? Something new and excitingly effective? Order your copy of my FREE white paper “Cutting Edge Documentation.?
Just send me your postal address (the report is illustrated and too long to email) and I’ll mail your copy of this revolutionary report–absolutely FREE, no strings attached.
Pre-printed genealogy research forms–whether you enter your data with a pen by hand or whether you type the data on the computer screen–are tools of analysis. You choose the facts to enter on these research forms. This selection process is analysis. And when you record the right data and match the internal links in each record correctly, you can achieve 96% success tracing hard-to-find ancestors.
A haphazard pile of papers, documents, and pictures too often conceals the very evidence you need to establish correct identity or to plan an effective search. And if you chart your data as you go through the sources, you will evaluate your evidence in time to use it to eliminate frustration and prevent costly research mistakes as your reseach continues.
Research forms include pedigree charts, family group sheets, relationship graphs, surname targets, excel spreadsheets–regardless of size, or format or origin. I recommend that you use charts that include space for your own evaluation comments and conclusions, completely separated from the genealogy data you collect. And use charts that record burial dates for children as well as parents, and marriage places for all the persons mentioned on the chart. We have already lost several generations of dates and places known to family members because we have been using family records which omit these important facts.
If you have already entered your data into a computer program, review your notes for each family chart. Create separate charts, from the documents you have transcribed into those notes, with your copy/cut and paste commands. This enables the compluter program software you use to help you complete the analysis of your data. The evidence in each document will now be available for review, comparison, and summary.
The FREE report offered above describes more completely the analysis system I use with all of my professional research–and literally guarantees success because it is an individual entry system: one person, one family, one source.
More than 65 readers of this News Sheet ordered their own personal copy when it was first offered in September. If you have not yet ordered your copy, you are working hard instead of smart! It is yours for the asking, just send your postal address by email to arlene@arleneeakle.com and I’ll send you a free copy. (Remember, I do not share your personal information with anyone–I want to keep you for myself alone.)
Why Chart your Property Documents?
The final format we seek is a family record showing father, mother, and all the kids with their relationships to each other, proven to be true. Accompanying these family charts, we want a pedigree or lineage chart showing how each family descends from common ancestors. We extract the data to family charts as we go through the records for these benefits:
- Standardized data. We can examine each line quickly to draw conclusions provided by the evidence itself.
- Ancestors clearly and distinctly identified from all others who may carry the same name or be married to a spouse of the same name.
- You can easily sort by surname, by date, by naming patterns, by place, by relationship, by migrations. You can see who does what to and with whom.
- You account for each property transaction and all pieces of property bought, sold, ganted, and inherited–so you can build family trees.
- Answers come directly from the data you have collected. If pieces of information are missing, you can go get them or account for their loss. The evidence dictates the direction your research takes.
Anything less, is a compromise: Genealogies are filled with missing information, dangling ladies, dates that are estimated by the computer program you use, places that did not exist when the events occurred, children assigned to the wrong set of parents–or worse: children that do not fit into any family. Once you separate the data, construct a timeline, and compare the evidence for proper fit, you will spot those ancestors you could not see before.Some Genealogy Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t just take my word for it. Do put “Cutting Edge Documentation” to the test! Do order your free copy today.
Don’t put this Free Report on the shelf–Do use it in your research and discover those ancestors you have labeled as “hard-to-find.”
With this Free Report in your hands, you can keep your Genealogy New Years’ Resolutions.
You know, those “shoulds” we rashly agree to do each year–until tedium and hard work take their toll. And we set them aside for more exciting pursuits. This year can be different–think how exciting it will be to find your ancestors!
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Watch for a second News Sheet this week–about Friday morning. In honor of my mother, Margaret Haslam, who was born and buried on 3 November–I have something very special I want to share with all of you. Don’t miss it. Do tune in on Friday! Your favorite Genealogist, Arlene Eakle
Arlene, I would love to have a copy of Cutting Edge Documentation for your Genealogy, but just can’t see how to send you my address. I was on your snail mail database, however, when you sent out the Christmas in July mailing. And, thank you for that…
I would like to receive a copy of your report, but can’t figure out how to send my address to you. Please reply. Thanks.
I am new to this technology myself. to get a copy of the FREE report “Cutting Edge Documentation” send me an email to arlene@arleneeakle.com. If you go to my home page, you can click on the Contact Arlene link and it connects you to my email. Just fill in your request. This report is not online but in print format with illustrations, etc. So I need a postal address to send it. Arlene
I would appreciate the free report “Cutting Edge Documentation.” I really enjoy your newsletter. Keep up the great work!