My computer got slower and slower in late October. And then it stopped altogether! My diagnosis was that a virus got me. The truth was revealed by my tech (my grandson who troubleshoots for Broadview University students and faculty)–my hard drive just gave up.
My system is easily 7 years old for one processor and 10 years for the processor at my library. So he saved all of my files. Then, he installed a new drive. And tried to install Windows 7. Neither processor could take the new program. Stopped cold! Both of them.
Option one: reinstall Windows XP. Now reinstalled.
Option two: Buy a new system. Right after Christmas, I will get a new system which my grandson will install.
Meanwhile back at The Genealogical Institute…
You can contact me and respond by email. Which I will begin to answer on Monday. I have been busy this week with the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour sponsored by Leland and Patty Meitzler at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City Utah. A larger than normal attendance has kept all of us busy all week. 39 newbies added to the fun.
This Christmas T0ur has been held for 27 years! The oldest continuous tour of its kind. Herded by people-mover, Donna Potter Phillips. Tomorrow, they all sign-up for 2012.
And Salt Lake smiled on us all week–very cold and lots of sunshine. The Walker Bank weather vane has been blue all week–predicting sunshine too. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS I have more than 1500 emails to sort through–if you wrote from October when my computer crashed until Monday 12 Dec 2011, I will answer you and it will take a few days to do it. Please hang in there with me.
PPS And I have learned so many new things. I have collected some amazing documents from Alabama, from North Carolina, from Virginia, from Pennsylvania archives and libraries. I have found new strategies and tested them on real pedigrees. SO STAY TUNED!