2015 has been a very busy year for me!
- Genealogy Library Center, Inc. The new bathroom is finished in the main part of our Library–and it is beautiful. Utility lights are also installed. And we are planning now for the final remodel of the front area so that we can invite visitors to come and research. Several volunteers have offered to help set up the shelves and shelve the books as soon as small details like heat, lights, and dust are conquered. Another seven pallets of equipment, file cabinets, periodicals, and books came from Oregon. With more goodies, including many photographs and genealogy notes. Other collections have also been donated that fill gaps in the overall collection. Stay tuned for an update on these collections.
- Research Trip to New England, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. This trip was actually almost four weeks long–my two daughters and I went to Montana to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of dear friends, then we drove cross country to Vermont. I used Vermont as my pivot to complete research in Vermont, Rhode Island, and Maine. Then I started west through Pennsylvania and on to Indiana. A total of ten client files were in my research bag–and like magic, I extended lineages, documented some work that seemed almost impossible, And found a corrected page for a southern lineage that probably broke open a blocked pedigree. In future blogs I will share some of the details that demonstrate how you can also research American pedigrees.
- Twelve New Genealogy How-To Books published and now available to you. Our research guides team includes myself, Arlene H. Eakle, Holly T. Hansen, James L. Tanner, Marlo Schultz, and Ruth E. Maness. With guest writer, Ruby Coleman. Titles completed in 2015:
Scandinavian Research: Sources and Strategies
The Power of Marriage Documents Research Guide
The Ins and Outs of Probate Records
U.S. Land and Tax Records Research Guide
Ancestors and Immigrants from the British Isles
Virginia Research: Bypassing the Burned Counties
U.S. Southern States Research Guide
New England Genealogy Research Guide
German Sources: Strategies and Methodology
In-Depth Census Research Guide
Beginning Military Research Guide
Locating Ancestors in Old Country Research Guide
These twelve guides can be ordered directly from Family History Expos, PO Bx 187, Morgan UT 84050, 801-829-3295. And online at FamilyHistoryExpos.com. In 2016, these guides will also be available at Roots Tech in Salt Lake City UT and online at Amazon.com.
We have plans to do another twelve research guides in 2016–stay tuned for our progress and how you can benefit from our combined expertise, knowledge, and research experience. These guides are the very latest in how-to trace your family lineage and compile an accurate, correctly connected pedigree.
You can wow your family members, and all of your genealogy friends with newly documented ancestors. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle. http://arleneeakle.com
PS My computer is finally re-connected to the internet. Somehow computer updates affected the connection. And I have added more bandwidth to make my computer faster–just remember that I live at the end of the world.Real speed does not come down my street at this time. Maybe in 2016.