A Font of Your Own
Do you have a distinctive, somewhat legible handwriting? If so, you can have a Font of Your Own. A special service will translate your letters into a custom digital lettering font. $250.00 for the software. Call 888-FF-FONTS, or check http://www.fontshop.com/services.
Because few people write letters any more, getting a handwritten and personalized letter or note is a special gift. And if you type faster and better than you write, this font is also a special gift. To you. To me.
One way to use your own font–tell a generational story about your family or some event in which your family participated.
Today, at my dining room table, I was pleasantly informed and entertained by the brother of a client. He and his wife came to pick up a genealogy research report for his sister. I almost never send a report through a third party nor entrust an extensive genealogy report to someone other than the client. Life happens. However trustworthy the third party delivery person is, we cannot control life. An accident. A forgetful moment. A misplacement. A missed meeting. A disaster. And the report is lost.
But back to the dining room table–An articulate man. Well-read. An observer of the world around him and those who inhabited that world. An hour later, I was an hour richer and an hour better informed. How much more enjoyable to describe it with my own handwriting–I will have to anticipate another such opportunity and get the font made. Then I can share, occasionally, a personal note with you about what interests me. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://www.arleneeakle.com
PS Tune in to discover the Lean, Mean Genealogy Machine created this summer with a new lawn mower!