Pennsylvania Military Records, Family History Library, Salt Lake City

Pennsylvania Military Records, Family History Library, Salt Lake City–from the FamilySearch Catalog–

Title: Military Abstract Card File for the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

Authors: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Division of Archives and Manuscripts (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) (Added Author)

Notes: Microfilm of original records in the Bureau of Archives & History, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This file has been abstracted from original documents in the custody of the Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is arranged alphabetically by soldier’s name in four file units. The State Archives in 1967 became the Division of Archives and Manuscripts in the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

Format: Manuscript, 42 microfilm reels; 16 mm; Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1978. Language: English.

Film Notes:
Continental Units A-B –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205961 ]

Continental Units C-Don –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205962 ]

Continental Units Doo-Gre –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205963 ]

Continental Units Gri-Ja –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205964 ]

Continental Units Je-Mar –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205965 ]

Continental Units Mas-Moo –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205966 ]

Continental units Mor-Rila –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205967 ]

Continental units Rile-Sul –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205968 ]

Continental units Sum-Z –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205969 ]

Active duty Militia A-D –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205970 ]

Active duty Militia E-Kel –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205971 ]

Active duty Militia Kem-O –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205972 ]

Active duty Militia P-Ti –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205973 ]

Active duty Militia To-Z –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205974 Item 1 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments A-Bun –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205974 Item 2 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Bur-Garb –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205975 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Gard-Le –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205976 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Li-Poo –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205977 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Pop-Te –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205978 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Th-Z –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205979 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Captains –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205979 ]

Active duty Militia & miscellaneous payments Certificate numbers –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205979 ]

Inactive duty Militia A-Beam –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205980 ]

Inactive duty Militia Bean-Bran –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205981 ]

Inactive duty Militia Bran-Ce –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205982 ]

Inactive duty Militia Ch-Culp –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205983 ]

Inactive duty Militia Culp-D –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205984 ]

Inactive duty Militia E-Fl –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205985 ]

Inactive duty Militia Fo-Gn –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205986 ]

Inactive duty Militia Go-Harp –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205987 ]

Inactive duty Militia Harp-Holm –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205988 ]

Inactive duty Militia Holo-Jord –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205989 ]

Inactive duty Militia Jord-K –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205990 ]

Inactive duty Militia L –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205991 ]

Inactive duty Militia M-McGos –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205992 ]

Inactive duty Militia McGou-Mont –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205993 ]

Inactive duty Militia Mont-Otto –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205994 ]

Inactive duty Militia Ottob-Ramso –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205995 ]

Inactive duty Militia Ramss-Ro –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205996 ]

Inactive duty Militia Ru-Shoga –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205997 ]

Inactive duty Militia Shogh-Stans –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1205998 ]

Inactive duty Militia Stans-Thom –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1266810 ]

Inactive duty Militia Thom-Wa –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1266811 ]

Inactive duty Militia We-Wood –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1266812 ]

Inactive duty Militia Wood-Z –  FHL US/CAN Film [ 1266813 ]

© 2002 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

[Dear genealogist: I went to the Pennsylvania State Archives to search the military records. The Librarian said to me that the LDS Church had microfilmed all of the Pennsylvania military records—all of them. And that if I searched them at the Archives, I would be required to use the microfilm copy to protect the originals from further wear and tear. So I searched other categories, and waited until I got home to search the originals. These are card indexes to the original military records—which are also on film in Salt Lake City.

If your ancestor was between 16 and 60, and able-bodied—he served. Or provided a substitute at his own expense to fulfill his obligation. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle, 7 July 2017.]

PS If you are unable to get to either Harrisburg or Salt Lake City to search these records, I will be happy to search them for you. My research fees are on my Home Page, 

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