The Conference, Retreat Reunion, and Expo are Over: What a wonderful series if events!

And my power point presentation came off without a hitch–

My personal rooting section included Dear Myrtle, Janie Anderson, Holly Hansen, Barry Ewell and his wife Collette, Kip Sperry, Kathryn Bassett, the Seamons (originally neighbors from my street in Tremonton)–in case any glitch occurred and a whole ballroom of eager attendees–with vendors and local volunteers crowded in the doorways.

I had been coached and prayed for by them all.  The equipment performed as programed to do.  I hit the right keys at the right time to change slides.  The slides could be seen all the way to the back of the room.  And I finished on time.

The presentation has been uploaded on my Home Page–simply click on “Articles” on the left-hand menu,  Digging Roots–It’s That Easy! is listed first.   Choose the version you want to see:

  1. PDF presented at the Expo, 5 mgs.  It has 66 slides.
  2. Power Point full deck, 163 slides for the whole presentation, 11 1/2 mgs.

The written presentation from the syllabus is there too, all 22 pages.  And you will have access to the whole research piece.  You will love it.  And your ancestors will love it.

All of the website links are hot–all three versions– and will  take you directly to the internet so you can check for your ancestors.   If you have any problems, let me know by email so they can be corrected.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS   Dear Myrtle, Pat Richley, needs your prayers.  She arrived at the Expo a very sick woman so she could be there for Holly Hansen and for me.  She brought her laptop and projector in case anything went wrong.  What a trooper!

PPS  And be sure to tune in on 17 Mar for the launch of  my NEW Tennessee blog…”in the common cause of family history…”

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