Why Boise ID, of all places?
Northern Utah has been socked in with rain and snow and cold for so many days running, that the violets and tulips are struggling to peep through the ground. Boise ID is from 2-3 weeks ahead of us in any climate or season change.
25 April 2009, I am one of the speakers at the Boise Area Family History Conference, sponsored by BYU-Idaho in Nampa ID. And I plan to arrive the day before and (hopefully) bask in the sun for a few hours.
Why don’t you join me? My topics include:
- American Migration Patterns. Migrations set your ancestors apart from all others with the same name. The patterns established by your kinship network will predict the origins of your family.
- Tracing a Southern Pedigree. If you have ancestors from “The South”, just what does that mean. You can match my 96% success rate with hard-to-find Southern ancestors, if you know the Southern genealogy research code!
- Skeletons in Your Closet. These hush-hush details identify parents, places of origin, kinship networks, what records to search, and other delicious and significant genealogy details.
Of all the events I speak at during the year, this one is the least expensive. I’m serious. You can’t beat an all-day seminar with 6-7 choices every hour for $9.00!
Handouts for the BYU-Idaho Genealogy Conference are posted online.
Copies will not be given out–make your own and bring them with you.
Boise 2009 Spring Family History Conference: Sat. 25 Apr 2009
Registration Deadline is April 21, 2009.
Cost: * $9 for pre-registration
* $12 at the door (if available)
Register Online: Online registration is the preferred method.
They do not need to know specific classes that you plan to attend.
Or register by mail or FAX using the conference brochure online.
Just print a copy and send it in with your fees.
Mail to: Boise Area Family History Conference, 103 Auxiliary Services Building, 525 S Center St, Bldg 8011, Rexburg ID 83460
Nampa North Stake Center
6111 Birch Lane
Nampa ID near Idaho Center
I’ll look for you. Your favorite genealogy evidence guru, Arlene Eakle http://www.arleneeakle.com
PS We are re-designing my Home Page and over the next few weeks, each part of it will take on a more navigable, more friendly persona. Be sure to check us out regularly. And if you find a broken link, email us.
Normally, I hate websites that keep changing their links and their colors and keep adding walking people and talking people. My site will not do that. We just want to be sure that you can find all the new, original FREE content that I am including for you. And that you have no trouble subscribing to the newsletters/blogs of your choice: Genealogy Evidence, Tennessee, Virginia, etc. and the new ones coming–Scots-Irish (TBA), New York (TBA) and Kentucky.
PPS I will launch my NEW Kentucky blog on 19 June 2009. If you have Kentucky ancestors, you don’t want to miss even one episode. For I have wonderful new genealogy stuff to share.
IN MEMORIAM Marylin Nolte, died 12 April 2009 in Bakersfield CA. She was 78 years old. She was one of my Immigrant Genealogy gurus. Always willing to share new information she found–especially tips on where she discovered her own ancestors. Donations in her memory can be made to The Immigrant Genealogical Society, PO Box 7369, Burbank CA 91510-7369.