Boston, 4 October 2016…

2016 is the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. And among the news stories this past weekend was the announcement that David McCullough, the Pulitzer Prize historian will be named Honorary Park Ranger in Boston tomorrow. McCullough has made a huge contribution to our knowledge of the great men who transformed our country: John Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry Truman to name a few.

I own these books along with McCullough’s study of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Panama Canal. Have you read his books? His use and discussion of source material is a learning experience–any genealogist who wishes to expand their knowledge and grasp of evidence will benefit from any of these great reads.

Most public libraries have his books all in a row where you can choose the one that appears more interesting to your own interests. Harry Truman is a special interest of mine and I was privileged to spend two weeks at the Truman Library in Independence Missouri reading Truman’s original correspondence–including his announcement to Stalin that Truman intended to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan, hoping it would end the War.

Truman wrote a note that he told the Russian leader, on the back of a photo at the Potsdam Conference. The Potsdam Conference was held 26 July through 2 August 1945 for Britain, Russia, and the United States to determine what disposition could be made for the end of World War II.  The Russians later denied that they knew anything about the bomb.

Add David McCullough to your Fall author list and expand your knowledge of sources. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS My bed is surrounded by reading material–stacks and stacks of it. Most guides to better sleep would have us in spartan settings with nothing to distract our minds from sleep. When I awake in the night, I read. Stay tuned! I can’t guarantee that you will sleep better–your ancestor searches will be more fruitful.

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