I always have a book close at hand–in my hand, on the seat beside me. in my purse (which is a backpack), on the table beside my bed, on stools or footrests next to my couches and resting chairs, on the dining room and breakfast room tables, sometimes piled in a stack on the floor in all of these places! Always. Since I was a kid accompanying my father on his newspaper routes or fishing trips. I read.
My personal library is vast–fiction and non-fiction alike. My professional library is even more extensive–taking up a substantial part of my 8-bedroom home with full basement and much of the 10,000-square-feet in my Genealogy Library Center Building in downtown Tremonton, Utah.
Hey, I’m not bragging. I just wanted you, my loyal readers, to know that I still have access to genealogy books, periodicals, microfilm, microfiche, maps, photographs, and even the top half of a tombstone from 1792 Kentucky donated by a patron.
So I spend a portion of every day reading and compiling genealogies for clients. I am also working on two family histories where I work on the data-entry as well as write the narratives. Wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do the genealogy every day. So my year is not without Genealogy–yours and mine.
And if I don’t have access to the information I need already, I determine if the internet can supply me or if I have to buy the records that I need. So I research the information and titles to give me data while I wait for the “Year Without Genealogy” to end.
Early American Indian Tribes: One of my latest projects is to compile a list of early American Indian Tribes described in histories of Colonial America. Did you know that over 20% of all Americans have Native American DNA and physical characteristics of their native background? Things like shoveling in the teeth, double rows of teeth (especially on the bottom row), extra bones in hands and feet? Forget high cheekbones! Lots of us have high cheekbones, even without native influence.
When questioned about American Indian traces, you may not realize that you and your family members carry this evidence and pass it down to your own descendants. That is, until someone tells you about it. My former colleague, Afton Reintjes, could talk to you for a short time and then identify the physical features you have that go back to the original settlers on American land. Physical evidence that even your personal physician probably knows nothing about.
Or you may say you have Cherokee blood. When confronted by the list of ancient tribes, you may not recognize them by name. These tribes however were territorial, living and roaming in specific areas–those locations I don’t have available yet. Stay tuned to this blog–I will eventually identify the areas for each tribe that has been discussed. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com
PS Preliminary list will appear in this blog. The list is based on historical references taken from the footnotes and texts of well-documented studies by authoritative writers still recognized as authentic today. Remember, first the bibliography, then the study. I always read the bibliography and the footnotes before I read the text. And I always take notes as I read. Just my way of studying my subject with a pen in hand.