Happy Birthday, Mr. President…

…that is Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States. Jackson  was a figure bigger than life–with numerous stories told about him, and many books written about him. He was born in Waxhaws, South Carolina 15 Mar 1767. This was in a section of the South Carolina frontier under dispute and without regular boundaries. There are lot of such early areas in South Carolina.

Jackson’s inauguration party left the White House in complete disarray with thousands of dollars of damage by the more than 20,000 people who attended. He was blamed, as you might imagine, and your ancestors’ tax dollars paid the bill.

Members of Andrew Jackson’s family–his kin–were intermarried and connected in business with Melungeons. See South Carolina Indians, Indian Traders, and Other Ethnic Connections Beginning in 1670 written by Theresa M. Hicks from”the papers of Theresa M. Hicks and Wes Taukshiray.” Published for Peppercorn Publications, Inc., by The Reprint Company Publishers, Spartanburg SC 1998, pp. 263-68.

If you haven’t come in contact with this book, put it on your Spring Reading List–you won’t forget it. For Southern Genealogy it is essential reading. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle  http://arleneeakle.com.

PS There are some books that I check for every lineage, regardless of what Southern state the family comes from. The Native American population and those who served it traveled from one place to another. Be careful you don’t overlook the Indian connection.


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