Advance Registration Required, 25 August 2007: My Only Speaking Venue in Southern California This Year

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Go to and pre-register for this seminar sponsored by the British Isles Family History Society, USA. As you know, I have drastically cut my speaking venues so I can concentrate on getting my Genealogy Library Center, Inc. ready to open to the public. And I agreed to this program because it is a chance for me to cover advanced genealogy research strategies and records. Doesn’t happen often. And may not happen again for a while. You don’t want to miss this program.

So I wanted to begin this Genealogy News Sheet with a glimpse of what I have planned for you–I hope you will decide to attend. And I will have two new publications for you to pick up at a special seminar price (and no postage charge)–Insider Secrets for Tracing Ancestors in the British Isles and Scottish Research. Been working on them for quite some time.

Back to the seminar–here are my topics:

  1. Migration Patterns Within the United Kingdom and Ireland. Your ancestors moved around for jobs, to marry, in the military, and to attend family and government-sponsored events. Long before they left for North America or Australia or South Africa. And you will want to know about the European enclaves sitting right where your own ancestors come from.
  2. Tracing Ancestors Who Lived in Cities–London, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Aberystwyth. New genealogy research tools make it possible to be successful as never before in researching ancestry in large cities.
  3. Your English Genealogy May Already Be Compiled: Using Collections of Earlier Researchers. You will be amazed at the array of genealogy available to you–some new resources coming right into your own computer. You can save fuel, and even wear and tear on your nervous system while you pursue your passion.
  4. Finding the Place of Origin of American Families in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Key strategies to identify the specific jurisdictions where your ancestors are documented–without this information, you are looking for a needle in a haystack. We’ll spend some time on maps–those created at the time your ancestors lived on the land and modern maps which still include essential details you need to have.

I am very excited about this program. So I want you to hurry and register before 10 August 2007. A city ordinance in Culver City does not allow registration at the door. (Seems like a dumb ordinance to me–lots of people delay their decision to attend because they can never count on their time being open until the last minute. Maybe the weather has something to do with it. Or maybe their current paycheck is already spent and they have to get another one with discretionary money in it.)

Whatever the reason, please don’t delay and miss out. I am preparing a whole new batch of English/Welsh/Scottish/Irish/Channel Islands stuff for the syllabus.

Remember I attended the Scottish seminar at the Family History Library and I have read and re-read seven new research guides–to spot all the newly published records and to identify specific new websites of real research value. Not the fluffy resources with a few names and photographs to entertain us. Solid research sites, some free and some for fee, that offer a real alternative to traveling from library to library seeking genealogy data.

I’ll make a deal with you– These sessions will not be a re-hash of what you already know. Shall I make a deal with you? If I don’t give you at least one unknown record or one new research strategy, your attendance fee is on me! You have nothing to lose.

Nancy Carlberg will also be speaking on the most important records for Irish research along with James McNamara on Family History Internet Research. A very high-powered program.

The Reconstructed 1810 Census of Tennessee: 33,000 long-lost records from tax lists, court minutes, church records, wills, deeds, and other sources, by Charles A. Sherrill. This essential book was published in 2001 and is available from the author, 1023 Waters Edge Circle, Mt. Juliet, TN 37211.

I’m researching John Bray in East Tennessee in general and Anderson County in particular during this time period–1810. There is a listing for John Bray, in Anderson County, for land surveyed for an occupant grant, in Source #35. And a John Payne, in Anderson County, court minutes 1811, in Source #8.

What I’m trying to do is differentiate this John Bray from the John Bray in Chatham county NC at the exact same date–1810. The NC John Bray is bequeathed “…the land on which he now lives…” in Chatham county from the will of Henry Bray, 1810.

These two TN sources are not directly available to me and essential for my proof since the 1810 census is missing and there is no surviving tax list for Anderson county in 1810: #35–Records of Roane County, John McClellan’s Surveyor’s Book, 1808-1810. Typescript, pp. 172-219. WPA Collection, 1938 Tennessee State Library, Nashville. And #8–Anderson County Court Minutes 1810-14. Typescript, pp. 1-33. WPA Collection, 1938 Tennessee State Library, Nashville.

A very fine piece of work for a difficult time period in Tennessee. And I recommend it to you. Your genealogist of choice, Arlene Eakle

P.S. Remember our deal–I’ve done my homework to update my knowledge and to review what I already thought I knew. Come put me to the test! I dare you!

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