I trace your family tree. Or, take you by-the-hand and teach you how to do it yourself. Opening your eyes to things new and/or hidden in the records that apply to your own genealogy. My conference sessions are carefully designed to make inexperienced genealogists good and good genealogists better…
Jan 21-22. Mesa Family History EXPO “Where Ol’ Dogs Learn New Tricks!” Mesa Convention Center, 263 N. Center St, Mesa AZ 85201. http://fhexpos.com Come find me at Booths 306-308. My sessions:
- Friday 3:00 pm. Track Hard-to-Find Southern Ancestors in Land and Property Records–State-by-State
- Sat 8:00 am. Tracing the Ladies on Your Pedigree: Best Evidence and Research Strategies that Work
- Sat 2:30 am How to Trace the Common Man in the Records of the United States Congress
Feb 19. West Valley Genealogical Society Seminar. Smoot Hall, Lakeview United Methodist Church, 10298 W. Thunderird Blvd, Sun City AZ. http://www.azwvgs.org Registration deadline: 5 Feb 2011. My sessions:
- New Immigration Sources
- Migration Patterns into the Central United States
- Skip New York? No!
- How to Research a Virginia Ancestor: New Sources and Strategies
Feb 25-26. St George Family History EXPO. Dixie Center, 1835 Convention Center Drive, St George UT 84790. http://fhexpos.com Come see me at Booths 410 and 510. My sessions:
- Friday 4:30 pm. Track Hard-to-Find Southern Ancestors in Land and Property Records–State-by-State
- Sat 2:30 pm. How to Trace the Common Man in the Records of the United States Congress
Mar 20-25. Research and study at the Huntington Library, San Marino CA. And in-person reports and meetings with research clients in Southern California.
Apr 8-9. Sioux Valley Genealogical Society, 200 W 6th St, Sioux Falls SD 57104-6001. Call Joan Olson 605-275-4197 to register. My sessions at Grace Lutheran Church:
- Immigration Before Ellis Island
- Migration Patterns into the Central United States
- Discovering Origins in European Exit Documents and Migration Sources
- How to Find Births, Marriages, and Deaths Before 1900
- Special Friday afternoon session: The Genealogy “Easy” Button, Siouxland Public Library
Apr 10-15. Family History Library Research Retreat: Migration Records and Sources, sponsored by Family History Expos. Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, 122 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84101 and Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84150. Come, take my hand, and I will lead you to your ancestors–with the help of Judy Wight, Jimmy B. Parker, and other genealogy experts. http://fhexpos.com
Apr 28-May 1. GKIC Marketing Super Conference, Chicago IL. Following week or ten days doing genealogy research and study in Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Possibly Pennsylvania too.
June 24-25. Colorado Family History EXPO. Embassy Suites Conference Center, 4705 Clydesdale Parkway, Loveland CO 80538. http://fhexpos.com My sessions will include: Migration Patterns into and out of the British Isles; How did my Ancestors Get into Pennsylvania and How can I Document Them?; Migration Records and Sources Specific to the Old South.
July 29-39. Midwest Family History EXPO. Overland Park Convention Center, 6000 College Blvd, Overland Park KS 66211. http://fhexpos.com My sessions will include: Scots-Irish Genealogy Resources; How to Document your “Common Man” Ancestors in British Isles Land Records; Where do I come from in Virginia? [by attendee request].
Aug 12-13. Cache-Teton Relay. Logan UT to Jackson Hole WY–Team Running Relay. 191.19 miles to Teton Village WY. See http://www.epicrelays.com for course and details. A spectator first for me!–“The real purpose of running isn’t to win the race; it’s to test the limits of the human heart.” Bill Bowerman
Sep 17. Ogden Regional Family History Center Seminar. Weber State University, Shepard Union Bldg, 2101 University Circle, Ogden UT 84408-2101. http://orfhc.org My sessions:”
- How to Trace Your Pedigree Ladies
- Genealogy Evidence
- Births, Marriages, and Deaths Before 1900
- American Migration Patterns
Oct 7-8. Northern California Family History EXPO. San Mateo County Events Center, 2495 S. Delaware St, San Mateo CA 94403. http://fhexpos.com My sessions will include How to Trace the Common Man in American Congressional Records; Using Family Naming Patterns to Find Your Ancestors Origins; How to Search a Cemetery at Home or in the Field.
Oct 29. Military Family History EXPO. Historic Masonic Temple, 650 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84101.
Oct 30-Nov 4. Family History Library Research Retreat: Military Records and Sources. Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, 122 W South Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84101 and Family History Library, 35 N West Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84150. Come solve your toughest genealogy challenge under the expert eyes of Arlene Eakle, Jimmy B. Parker, Judy Wight, and others. Spend a whole week with us and take your ancestors with you when you return home. http://fhexpos.com
Nov 11-12. Atlanta Family History EXPO. Gwinnet Expo Center, 6400 Sugarland Parkway, Duluth GA 3009. http://fhexpos.com My sessions will include: How to Trace the Common Man in American Congressional Records; Southern States Property Records–How they Differ and How to Use the Evidence they Provide; Ancestors Who Lived in Cities–Their Records and Sources.
Nov 13-19. Genealogy research in Deep South and Virginia. Itinerary determined by requests of research clients. Watch my website http://arleneeakle.com for details.
Dec 4-10. Leland and Patty Meitzler’s Salt Lake Christmas Tour. Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, 122 W. South Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84101 and Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City UT 84150. http://www.saltlakechristmastour.com Instruction Sessions for Arlene Eakle and Linda Brinkerhoff:
- American Probate Records in the Southern States–What is Available and How to Use their Evidence–A State-by-State Survey and Checklist
- Southern Naming Patterns and their Origins
- Why Tax Rolls are Important for Southern Ancestry
- US Immigration Sources: After 1892
Each of these sessions will emphasize the resources at the Family History Library. This will be the 27th year this tour has provided research help for most areas of the world by leading professional experts who research ancestors for a living–Every day. On many diverse pedigrees. Using the awesome research resources at the Family History Library.
2011 will be an amazing genealogy year–plan now to attend one or more events and break your losing streak! My research focus is on New York–still verydifficult to actually prove origins for an ancestor crossing New York. You will need all the help I can give you.
And on Virginia including those states feeding into and out of Virginia. Many local genealogists are at work indexing and studying Virginia records–each month these resources are printed, published online, or issued on CDs. Takes vigilance to keep up! And in the past many genealogists prepared genealogies that are overlooked and unknown today–genealogies that put you 5-6 generations closer to the time your ancestors lived. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com
PS Watch my website for updates and changes. I’ll keep you posted on my work and access.