This is the title of the all-day genealogy seminar I get to present in Sioux Falls SD on 9 April 2011.  We meet at the Grace Lutheran Church, 3300 E. 18th Street (across from Cleveland School).  Register:

The all-day program:

1. European Exit Documents & Migration Sources
2. Immigration Records Before Ellis Island
3. Migration Patterns into the Central U.S.
4. Location of Birth, Marriage and Death Dates Prior to 1900.

$25.00 until 1 April (terrible thing to do on April Fool’s Day–or maybe it is fitting to up the price to $30.00 on that day!).

The Seminar is sponsored by the Sioux Falls SD Genealogical Society Education Committee.

I’ve updated three of the presentations just for this event.  And I am writing a whole new one for European Origins–so many records now available, new indexes, online access, migration experiences of specific families–what a wonderful year to be tracing your family.

On Friday, 8 April from 3 to 5 pm, I will speak at the Ronning Branch Library, 3100 E. 49th St, Sioux Falls–“The Genealogy Easy Button.”  This illustrated talk is FREE!

Why not join us? I have never been to Sioux Falls before and I am so looking forward to spending a full weekend in early April.  There is a special feature in the Spring air on these northern plains, before the leaves come out in full.  A clearness for seeing life.  A crispness you can almost taste–come enjoy it with me.

Learn how your ancestors got here.  And where they came from.  And what legacy they left for us all in this great land of ours.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  I am bringing my 1/2-ton pickup truck full of genealogy books and goodies–they give me success in my client research and they will give you a success you have only dreamed of.  Put me to the test!

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