My new blog Be of Good Cheer has launched today.
Will you send me an email to tell me what you think of this first blog? I am excited about it and especially this first post–written jointly by me and my webmaster Kathryn Bassett.
She has created a picture album showing the robots on our dairy farm. It is an amazing thing to watch them and to realize that the cows prefer the machines to people…
Oh, well, we live in an age where many persons prefer their phones and tablets to live people. Where dates go to their favorite restaurant to sit side by side on the bench both of them on their phones. Sometimes they are texting each other while they sit there. What happened to gazing in each other’s eyes and holding hands?
Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS It’s still snowing. And the weather prediction is that it will continue on and off today–with the sun to break through tomorrow on a white world where the temperatures will range from 0 to 20 degrees through the day. I hope so–getting too warm too soon will melt all those feet of snow into a world where all the drains are covered and frozen. Ugh! It is gorgeous though.