More Hispanic-Native American Research Resources from New Mexico

From our good friend and reader, Dr. Donald Martin:

1) This website is entitled Beyond Origins of New Mexico Families, the published research of the late Fray Angelico Chavez, and is maintained by an excellent researcher, Jose Antonio Esquibel who publishes new research developments to extend the findings of Fray Chavez.

This series of pages is designed to provide additions and corrections to the great work of New Mexico genealogy compiled by the late Fray Angélico Chávez (1910-1996), Origins of New Mexico Families in the Spanish Colonial Period.

This seminal book was first published in 1954 by William Gannon, Santa Fe, New Mexico. A facsimile edition was published by William Gannon, Santa Fe, in 1975. Under the supervision of Thomas E. Chávez, nephew of Fray Angélico and Director of The Palace of the Governors (Museum of New Mexico), a revised edition was published by the Museum of New Mexico Press in 1992. This revised edition included the important addition of “Addenda to New Mexico Families,” first published as a series in El Palacio, the magazine of the Museum of New Mexico, from 1955 to 1957, and “New Names to New Mexico,” which also appeared in the same magazine in 1957 (September, October, November, December). Both of these related works were often difficult for interested people to locate.

2) This website, entitled the Rio Abajo Database, it is maintained by Sam-Quinto Padilla-G, and contains data pertaining to the Rio Abajo region of New Mexico.

3) website is maintained by the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico, and has a Great New Mexico Pedigree Database with 105,791 names to date, a table of contents index to each issue of the journal Herencia from 1993, and a nice listing of “other related genealogical and cultural resources.” I like it, and I think you will, too.

4) The website of the New Mexico Genealogical Society has an impressive list of publications for sale, and an interesting and useful reference to the Catholic Church Project: “Locating Catholic Church Records in New Mexico is a joint project by volunteers of the New Mexico Genealogical Society, New Mexico GenWeb, and the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of NM. The goal: to locate the Catholic churches in New Mexico, then present the information in an easy to search format. This is a work-in-progress and we welcome new or corrected information for this databank.” It’s a very useful and helpful database.

This Genealogy News Sheet with its emphasis on evidence and how a genealogy connects together, maybe a genealogy overdose for some readers and an underdose for others. Filler and Fluff have never appealed to me, and I have assumed that they do not appeal to you either. So this is one place you will not get these time-wasters.

1900 Census Separately Indexed

Watch for the release of the newly indexed 1900 census through It is just finished and being readied for the internet now. Free and separately indexed. Use it to help you find those ancestors you have not been able to pick up on Ancestry. com or Heritage

Remember that two indexers work on the same set of entries. If there is a disagreement in the reading, an arbitrator does a 3rd reading–this produces a highly accurate index. Your favorite genealogy expert of choice, Arlene Eakle

PS Coming soon from–Irish Marriages, 1868-1892, Irish Births, 1864-1883, Irish Deaths, 1864-1884, and West Virginia Vital Records.  Hooray!

PPS  Did you know? When a baby was born on 29 Feb–Leap Day–hospital and medical officials and birth registration officials strongly recommended that the date be changed to 28 Feb or 1 Mar!    Reason?   Birth  recording systems  were not set up to accept 29 Feb and  the system  was more important than the date–to the government.   The computer program  changed all  that–thank goodness.

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