The Law of the Harvest captured me these last two weeks–so between trips to the Family History Library to complete research assignments, I have been canning and freezing pickles, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, and green peppers. The apricots got away from me.
A client of mine taught me that I could freeze green peppers whole and use them for stuffed peppers as well as cut them up for soups and salads.
Unlike many people who live by themselves, I cook every day. From scratch. With fresh ingredients (most of the time) and canned–in bottles and cans–the rest of the time. What I don’t prepare myself, I purchase at case-lot sales and special quantity displays.
Now that the larder is mostly full–I will get back to my research tips on Facebook and my blogs. Watch early next week for some really exciting stuff that I have been learning about the areas I specialize in: Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, the Scots Irish, and New York.
And, some newly discovered migration patterns that I have not searched before. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS Kathryn, my webmaster is exactly right–my computer and my digital phone are both down. So is the FAX machine. If I have a message to convey, it will come by postal mail. Or, I will show up at your door. Unannounced. Kathryn will be with me in Utah at the end of October and if things aren’t fixed before then, I will enlist her to help.
PPS I am still going to speak at the Seaside Highland Games in Ventura CA, 9-10 October 2009, the Family History Expos California EXPO, 16th and 17 October 2009 in Redding CA, and the Research Retreat at the Family History Library–where I will take you by the hand and lead you to the sources–26-31 October 2009. Imagine, spending Halloween, with me, and lots of other ghosts and goblins, doing research on your hardest-to-find ancestors! You can still register to attend all of the above by going to their websites and signing up. I will also have vendor tables at all of the above where my publications and research services can be engaged. So come share a great October doing what you love…