Hi everybody! Live from the Arizona Family History Expo

Featured on MSNBC, the nearly 1,000 attendees are learning how to do research, how to  scan documents and book pages online, store it online and off and how to share it with relatives and the world at large.

We’re having a great time answering questions, eating birthday cake, and meeting new genealogy friends.

In addition,  I have three research reports, which I brought with me to report on–when I get to share enormous discoveries, I love it.

You can still get in one day–Saturday 21 Jan from 9 am to 4 pm.  Or you can register for the St. George Expo at the end of Feb 2012–and experience the fun!  And the discovery!  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle  http://arleneeakle.com

PS  I’ll have something to say in a day or two about all the lovely books I acquired (used books of course) at the Expo.

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