Thanks vs Frustration

I spent the day at the Family History Library–this is “Locating Your Ancestor in the Old Country” Week with Family History Expos. This is also a very important Research Retreat subject. And I wrestled with digital and online access all day. Finally, in frustration I tried to access the Library Catalog–three computers took over 5 minutes each to load the catalog screen.

What I learned: the library icons on the desktops–newly re-designed– are connected to Internet Explorer, which is very slow. So you access the FHL site via Google Chrome. Who knew? No sign, just everyone thought that the computers were s-l-o-w.

As I went to lunch, I began to chuckle, then to laugh out loud.

You all know that I have a genealogy library in Tremonton UT. It is called the Genealogy Library Center, Inc. See the pictures at the head of this blog. And this library has had more than 100,000 volumes donated to it over the past 2 years. This is not counting my own personal genealogy library, which is at my home, with over 15,000 volumes.

Well, truth be known…

…These volumes are still shrink-wrapped on pallets and in boxes, not on shelves yet. And my computer access is s-l-o-w. I called my provider to see if I could speed up the process–I could more than double my speed with a reasonable increase of fees. So I went from 3.2 to 12. Oh my. There is a provider nearby with fiber optic internet–speeds up to 100. So why not switch providers. The fiber optic cable may go under our farm, but it does not go down my street

You see, I live at the end of the digital world–

So I am thankful for what I’ve got and the access available to me. Very thankful! Both libraries fuel the books I write and the client research that I do. And I still have new volumes available with ancestors identified and documented. For all of this I am very grateful. Your favorite and enlightened genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS Stay tuned and I will share other learnings and new documentation available.

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