The Great Mischief and Danger Which Threatens Your Pedigrees and Family Genealogy Charts

Pirates of the Pedigree–This is The Great Mischief and Danger Which Threatens Your Pedigrees and Family Genealogy Charts

Your favorite genealogist, Dr. Arlene Eakle, will address an estimated 1,500 avid genealogists on four essential subjects to keep the Pirates of the Pedigree from threatening your pedigrees and family charts with great mischief and danger…

This is a special invitation to attend 8-9 February 2008, at the Dixie Center, St. George Utah to hear me and some of the most important genealogy teachers in America. Here’s a heads-up on my classes–
1. 8 Feb 11:30 am Why Property Records are Important in Tracing Hard-to-Find Ancestors: Property records in America form a complete record system. How to read deeds, probate records, tax rolls, court minutes and how to fit their evidence together to prove father-son relationships. Also discussed at what age a person can buy, sell and inherit property and how to identify women in property records.
2. 8 Feb 1:00 pm Why Bounty Land Records are Essential for Early Virginia Research: Unique records and research strategies to identify when your ancestor came to Virginia, how he moved from one county to another, and where he found his wife and married her. Also included new state-wide indexes and newly discovered sources once thought to be lost.
3. 9 Feb 9:30 am Your Genealogy May Already by Compiled: Identifying and Using Collections of Researchers in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales: (Beginner-Advanced) This is a genealogy seminar—kinship and its proof are the FOCUS! In our rush to find British ancestors quickly, we often ignore the work of previous genealogists! And our generation of genealogy teachers has emphasized the original documents—and we still do. Yet, when we use the originals only, we have to compensate for massive record loss, under-registration of genealogy data, incomplete indexes, illegible or badly written documents for British Isles genealogy research. Break your losing streak! Your genealogy probably has been compiled and all you need to do is plug your research into this genealogy and verify that the information is correct. You may not have to wade through all of the original documents on which it was based.
4. 9 Feb 2:30 pm Migration Patterns Into and Out of Southwest Pennsylvania: Washington County and Fayette County and Westmoreland County and Allegheny County and Green County. Did you know that both Virginia (until 1865) and Maryland (until 1920) claimed to have a legal interest in this significant corner? Did you know that migration sources can document births, deaths, and marriages? Did you know that if you understand the migration pattern your ancestor followed, you can find places of origin even when the sources do not state a specific place? We will examine exact routes of travel–including stopping places along the way–and the importance of church and cemetery evidence.
Between sessions–ask your hardest genealogy questions–Come to our Booth 203. Afton Reintjes and Kathryn Bassett and I, your favorite genealogist Arlene Eakle will be there for you!
If you haven’t already done so, Register at

PS Is it just me, or does your computer screen change constantly? Just when you discover where all the buttons are and learn to use them, the screen changes into a new format. It is the most frustrating thing. Almost a Pirate of the Pedigree! Aargh!

PPS Be sure to watch my Speaking Schedule–new seminars, where they will be held, and the topics for each one are being posted over the next few days. I have revved up my speaking assignments. Watch for those near you, and please come.

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