Genealogy Evidence: The Obvious and the Hidden Evidence in the Records You Search

I’ve been getting my handouts and syllabus materials ready for the seminars in September (, October (, November (http://www.myancestorsfound) , and December (

Each presentation, I have updated and expanded and prepared NEW stuff to tell you. One of the things I am very excited about is my new FREE REPORT on Genealogy Media–more than 15 pages long.

Those who attend the seminar at Minnesota State University in Moorshead MN, 27 Sep 2008, will receive a preliminary version (9 pages) of this report. When I complete it–after the seminar–Kathryn will load it on my website where you can access it by registering your name and email address. And I will add it to our publication, Arm Chair Genealogy.

This new report will also replace Linda Brinkerhoff’s Computer Genealogy Databases, which has been out of print for several months.

I am expanding my system for finding genealogy evidence in each and every one of the records you search in my seminar presentations–this is the focus that most genealogists can benefit most from. When you read a document or a passage in a printed source, consider both the obvious evidence and the hidden evidence which you get when you follow the clues in each record. My presentations will emphasize evidence and what to do with it.

Check my speaking schedule for topics being revised and updated with all new stuff at

Your favorite genealogy evidence guru, Arlene Eakle

PS And keep your eyes on this Genealogy New Sheet–where I will announce the research completed each week. For I am concentrating on finishing a lot of research by the end of the year–2008. Have big research plans for 2009.

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