The More We Hurry, The Behinder We Get

What an Adventure we are in the Midst of! Careening from Library to Archive to Library to Archive with side stops to pick up 300 volumes (which Kathryn discovered to her delight were in fewer boxes than she had anticipated, so we can still see out of the windows and there are no books on the roof-top shelf).

And I am learning new sources more quickly than I can share them all…

I spoke to a special fireside in Lutherville MD about Tracing Ancestors Who Live in American Cities on Saturday evening. And I learned about two new references, from Ann T. Thompson, that you may find helpful too:

1. Baltimore Street Name Changes by Thomas P. Bocek published by Historyk Press, 7 Dendron St, Baltimore MD 51234. $12.00 plus postage. [This is the press that published Polish Arrivals at Port of Baltimore, 1880-84.]

2. Philadelphia Street Name Changes prepared by Jefferson M. MOAK. 1996. Revised 2001. The Chestnut Hill Almanac Genealogical Series – Publication #2. [I purchase it through Susan S. Koelble at Bare Roots Publishing in Southampton PA. Checked her website and it is outdated but still may be able to contact her through, Ann T. Thompson.]

Most cities make changes in the names of their streets one or more times per 50 years. And sometimes it takes a ton of research to find the old names.

At the Maryland Historical Society, I researched more than 50 files of Revolutionary War military records which had been mis-catalogued among the Western Maryland collections of Thomas J. Scharf. The manuscripts staff took the time to identify each of the files I specifically wanted to search and listed the new numbers so they could be retrieved easily This made searching MS1146 faster and easier. The records themselves had been painstakingly covered with archival linen paper–the kind you can see through.

Be sure to check the photograph pages for some of our whimsical moments with Crazy Louis, the Cat and orange Fannie who lives in terror of him. Other friends made in Carlisle Pennsylvania and Baltimore MD. More details to follow…Your fatigued, favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle (and her webmaster, just as tired, Kathryn Bassett). Oops, Kathryn just told me she didn’t get a picture of the cats.

Stay tuned for reports of the Virginia Library and the cool new Revolutionary War Project I discovered there!

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