October is a genealogy month–you dig out your hard-to-find-ancestors, all the notes, the copies, the images stored on your computer, the books you bought to help discover what you have been looking for. In short, in October you are raring to get going on these illusive ancestors.
Well, I am ready to help–seminars and workshops and research weeks at the Family History Library where I can take you by the hand and lead you to the sources and records that record your ancestors.
7 October 2017 Kin-Dig in Antelope Valley CA. I am speaking on “How to Use Congressional Records” and “Little-Known and Hardly-Ever-Used American Migration Patterns.”
14 October 2017 Idaho Falls Regional Genealogy Conference, Idaho Falls ID. I’m going to teach you “How to Find “Salt of the Earth” Ancestors.” Two sessions online and offline resources and strategies that will enable you to find lost Births, Marriages, and Deaths for your ancestors.
Links to register and attend either of these events are on my Speaking Schedule on the left-hand menu on my website http://arleneeakle.com
In each presentation, I spend almost as much time on how to use the records and gather the evidence out of them as I do talking about the records themselves. After all, it is the evidence that makes the proof and links one generation to another or one person to another. Just a description of the records is not enough for the inexperienced genealogist. And the professional or the person who has spent numerous hours already looking for lost ancestors needs to know which evidence is most likely to provide the proof.
There are so many databases available and so many records to search, that is is easy to forget what to do–and, how to do it. We all need reminders. What’s more, the combining of evidence is tricky. Is it the same person? Or are there two or more people by the same name? I plan to address this research dilemma. So, sign up and attend. Get my “meaty” and quite thorough handouts at each event. You’ll be off and running to the answers you need. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS You also get to speak with me in person and close up!