Happy Thanksgiving! America needs this Day of Thanks…

My thanks to all of you, gentle readers.  Your comments and encouragement for what I write in my blogs is especially appreciated.

Already the “End of the World” is predicted for 21 December 2012.  If it ends on that date, this day of thanks will not leave us feeling guilty that we did not express thanks to those we love and to our God for all the blessings we enjoy.  Perhaps most of all, thanks for the United States of America–where I can share my experience and knowledge with you.

However, I predict that 22 December 2012, you and I will awaken with renewed purpose and excitement that we still have days, and months, and years to pursue our family history.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle  http://arleneeakle.com

PS  My email went down the 1st of November–took us all these days to restore it.  So if you emailed me recently, hang in there I will answer.  There will be a lot to wade through when I begin.  If you didn’t write and want to–be my guest.  Your email will be on the top of the stack (as it were).

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