Arlene Eakle’s Genealogy Research Services–Your expert connection to ancestors you thought were a long, lost cause…

If you have lost your expert connection to hard-to-find ancestors, Cheer Up! Arlene Eakle’s Research Services are just an email away–

Tell me all about those ancestors you have puzzled over, frazzled over, hunted for, hired other experts to find them.  My finely-honed research skills will give you a 96% success rate. And usually within 90 days to 6 months for the very hardest research problems.

My current research offer is just made for you–check it out at You can apply for my research grant of $50.00 to $400.00–which you can add to what you pay me.  And I will do an extra batch of searches–you have everything to gain by choosing me as your professional genealogist.

Or, you can subtract it from your payment and I will  make up the difference myself.  You have nothing to lose.

And if your research is in Virginia or  any part of the Southern United States.  Or in New York. Or in the British Isles--England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, I can apply my 96% success rate to your ancestry.

I am one of the few remaining professional genealogists who do field research–if the answers are not at the Family History Library, I got get them from the areas where your ancestors resided!

Again, I invite you to tell me about your ancestry.  And let me trace them for you.  I want to be your favorite genealogist!  Arlene Eakle

PS  Your ancestors could be on my research trip list for March 2011 or early May 2011.  Just send me an email and tell me what you need.

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