Except for jury duty–which today many American citizens escape–you may never have been inside a county courthouse. And the increasing number of records in print and online may, on the surface, seem to fill your need for record access as you trace your ancestors, without a personal visit to the courthouse.
This is my own personal invitation to visit the historic Summit County Utah courthouse with us 10 Jan 2014 and learn first-hand what records are in the courthouse, how they are allotted to different offices under the watchful eye of an elected county official, what they contain that is of interest and use to genealogists. This experience will change the way you do research–I can guarantee it.
Across America, there are more than 11,000 courthouses where the key genealogy documents were created and still, today, are preserved for your use. Come along with us. Meet county and local clerks who are friendly, helpful, and interested in the records they preserve and present to you. Scan the pages of the original recordings. Read the old handwriting. Look at the volumes of ancient use that have often been beautifully and lovingly restored so they can meet the needs of 21st century legal documentation.
Please don’t say to yourself, “I have no ancestors in Summit County and never has my family been connected to anyone there.”
To my knowledge, no one in my family background has any connection to any of the mountain counties of Utah. Yet, I found Jack Slade and my Mother’s Mitchell and Kewley families documented there! I made photocopies from books and records that are completely new to my genealogy–and I have been researching since I was 12 years old.
I invite you to this special learning experience in a “down-home” and close to home environment with great food and genealogists who are as interested in your story as their own. The full agenda is included below. Advance registration is recommended as this special program is limited to 30 attendees only. Register at http://familyhistoryexpos.com and plan to spend the 10th and 11th of January with us.
Family History Retreat, Coalville, Utah: Agenda
Friday, January 10, 2014
1:00 pm Welcome and Get Acquainted
1:15 pm Session One, Historic Summit County UT Courthouse, Coalville UT
- 1 Historic Summit County Courthouse Local Repositories Hold Records that Assist in Family History Research. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
5:00 pm Dinner at Denise’s Home Plate, Coalville UT
6:00 pm Keynote Presentations:
- 2 Never Give Up: There is a Story to Discover and One to Tell. (All Levels) Arlene H. Eakle, PhD.
- 3 A Gift of Family History. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
7:30 pm Ask your questions and we’ll see you in the morning!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
8:30 am Check-in – Browse Books and Family History Products
9:00 am Session Two: Denise’s Home Plate, Coalville UT
- 4 Celebrating My Family Tree Software: Setup and Organization. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
10:00 am Break and Visit Exhibits
10:30 am Session Three:
- 5 Genealogy FUNdamentals: Principles for Successful Research. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
- 6 Genealogy FUNdamentals: Strategies for Successful Research. (All Levels) Arlene H. Eakle, PhD.
12:30 pm Lunch Break, Visit Exhibits, and Ask the Pros: Holly and Arlene
1:30 pm Session Four:
- 7 Goals to Focus Your Research. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
- 8 Basic Sources to Find Your Ancestors. (All Levels) Arlene H. Eakle, PhD.
3:30 pm Break and Visit Exhibits
4:00 pm Session Five:
- 9 Organize, Preserve, and Share. (All Levels) Holly T. Hansen
5:00 pm Last Chance Shopping for Family History Toys and Tools!
I’ll look for you there and remind you that this program includes all new stuff in my presentations, your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com
PS How excited I am to welcome Family History Research in 2014. Did you know that just 1 hour per day of study will make you an expert in any subject or focus in less than 3 years? Become the expert on your ancestors and their lives so you an share what they did for us all!