Rites of Spring…at last!

Today is 22 April, not 20/21 March.  And Spring has been a long time coming to Tremonton UT and I suspect, to much of this country.  So I thought I would identify just a few of the annual rites of Spring where you can participate.

Festivals galore, all across the country:

Arbor Day (celebrated all month, somewhere)

Asparagus (CA)

Apple Blossoms (WA)

Airplane Fly-ins (NC)

Azalea (OK)

Bikes (IL)

Blues (LA)

Bulldogs of Beauty (IA)

Boat and Canoe Show (PA)

Cherry Blossoms (Washington DC)

Crafts and Hobbies (MD)

Daffodil (MA)

Dogwood (IN

Flower (SC)

Jazz (WV)

Kites (MI)

Maple Sugar (VT)

Music (AR)

Pear Blossoms (OR)

Storytelling (KY)

Strawberry (TX)

Wildflower (TN)

Rain fell for almost 15 hours in Northern Utah–a light to moderate rainfall–and remarkable since we have had almost no moisture in Northern Utah in 2010.  And the trees and their buds awakened.  Now we have green leaves.  And as I drove to the Family History Library yesterday, I counted the many shades of green along the Wasatch front.  This is my very favorite time of year–when the buds first open to reveal their green–every shade of green you can think of.

When I left for California to speak at the Immigrant Library on Emigration/Immigration, not one leaf had appeared in my yard.  When I returned home after the Family History Expos April Retreat, not one leaf–although the buds were trying.  Just needed the rain to spring into green.

In Memoriam:

Judy Goyette, 28 Mar 2010.  Judy attended the annual Christmas Tour sponsored by Leland and Patty Meitzler for many years, working on her Virginia ancestry.  Her beautiful smile and cheery hello will be missed. So will her ancestors.

Temecula Genealogical Society Members, who died between 2002-2010:

Marie Call, 20 Dec 2001

Toni (Antoinette) ________, 26 Apr 2002

Kit (Katharine) Poole, 25 Aug 2002

Marilyn Abigt, 31 May 2006

Harriet Perrone, 28 Oct 2006

Pamela Denton, 13 Mar 2007

Barbara Shiff, 29 Nov 2007

Marvin Melton, 15 Dec 2007

Caroline Villier, 9 July 2008

Mae Craven, 22 Aug 2008

Barbara Russell, 30 Dec 2008

Wanda McKay, 8 May 2009

I checked my sign-up sheets for conferences and workshops held in the Temecula Valley and in San Diego–every one of these genealogists have attended one or more of the events where I spoke.  Amazing, the total knowledge and skill we have lost, in less than a decade, in just one genealogical society.

Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle   http://arleneeakle.com

PS  My log in and password were finally accepted for New FamilySearch!  After almost 2 months of trying to get in.  And my laptop finally responds to wireless, wherever I happen to be!  My, what skill.

PPS  Stay tuned to discover how Union Pacific Railroad relates to your genealogy and mine–next episode.

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