Charting for Success!

On Friday, 2 December 2916 and Saturday, 3 December 2016, you can register to participate in one of the very best genealogy events of the year–Charting for Success! sponsored online by Family History Expos.

All new information:,

  1. Holly Hansen,based on her personal research for her Georgia ancestry. She will also introduce new online charts that you can use to research, organize, and match the evidence for your family tree. Brand NEW!
  2. James Tanner with his extensive knowledge of online resources–including  state-by- state  digital maps.
  3. Ruth Maness, just returned from her research trip to Europe, describing how to use  Scandinavian and German map resources.
  4. And me, Arlene Eakle, with specific research strategies and experience with photographs, maps, and tax records.
  5. Marlo Schuldt, our technical producer and his newly-updated, special genealogy software Heritage Collector

This will be your chance for 2 whole days, 12 full hours of “pure, solid gold” research insight–there is still time to register. All of the classes are presented online–you can sit in your jammies and sip hot chocolate while you watch. And all classes have new downloadable handouts.

Break your Losing Streak!  and register to attend. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS This makes two years of new research guides with accompanying DVD’s–some 22 programs in all. And in my opinion, 2-3 Dec 2016 is one of the most useful guides available.


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