The Virginia Library
One objective at the Virginia Library was to identify the 11 Rippeto sons who served in the Revolutionary War from Virginia–on this trip I checked all the Military indexes and lists for both the Revolutionary War and War of 1812. My conclusions after this research: in both wars there are probably 11 Rippetos who served. And the family tradition arose that they all served in the Revolution.
Here is the Rippeto list: Revolutionary War–Francis, Jacob, James, John, Peter, William (Capt), William (Corp). War of 1812–James, Joshua, John B., Peter, Thomas, William (substitute for Joshua Jones). At any count, there are a lot of Rippetos who served in the Virginia Military 1774-1815.
The Wise County Historical Society
The Wise County Historical Society is one of those amazing small library-archives you encounter in Rural America. The people who work there are descended from the families who settled and lived there. They have compiled books of cemetery inscriptions, will extracts, family stories, and genealogies of your family and mine.
Bill Porter and Paul Kilgore are two of those who helped us accomplish several research objectives. They brought us records as quickly as we could search them. Check our photo shoot in Wise County on our Eastern Trip 2007 photo page to share the fun we had working with them.
They were good salesmen too–I came away with their 150th Anniversary package: Volume II of The Heritage of Wise County and The City of Norton, 1856-2001. Our Community Heritage: Banner Virginia–A Home Worth Coming Home To. 150 Years in Wise County Virginia, 1856-2006 (Historical Calendar). A 150th Anniversary tee shirt. And several issues of the Appalachian Quarterly (see Genealogy News Sheet of 15 Jan 2007).
And two family histories–Osborne and Senter. And notes from a forth-coming new edition of Bill Porter’s William Lawson, Scottish Rebel. His extensive research ties Thomas Mallet into the Lawson family and links William Lawson Mallet to the family. This edition will be available in December.
Let me close this issue with a charming and different genealogy book: Wise County Apple Blossoms of Yesteryear, by Denver J. Osborne, Sr. and the Wise County Apple Orchard Book Committee. This is a history of county apple farms, including a list of apple growers and those who worked on the apple farms. (See Eastern Trip Photos)
The occupation your ancestor pursued is among the most important identity evidence you have. And when I ask “What was your ancestor’s occupation?” the answer is usually, “I have no idea.” Check lists–wherever you find them. Watch for evidence of your ancestor’s occupation and use it to find the place of origin! Your favorite genealogist, on location in Virginia. Arlene Eakle
PS Next episode describes finding the genealogy answers in “closed” libraries. And remember, you could have had your genealogy answers found on this trip–watch for announcements of our next research trip and sign up!