My desk-top computer has a very bad virus–and since I live at the end of the world, the hardware is dismantled in various parts. I brought home another processor from my library downtown (Tremonton UT actually has a downtown and from my home it is downtown). And cords and mouse. And these parts and cords are everywhere in my home office. All of the usual clutter that inhabits a home office, I shifted to the hallways and set in other places so that we would have a place to work. My grandson came and installed the other processor and connected me to the internet . Saturday morning, via LogMeIn, Kathryn, my webmaster, will re-install Outlook so that I can receive and send email. Or so we think–if my processors are too old to accomodate the updated or new software, It will be a little longer so that I can get a new computer.
Now that you have this picture firmly in mind, let me say that my ability to be your GO TO GUY ( or GIRL) online for the next few days, maybe a week or two, is limited. You see, we plugged in my large back-up-my-documents external drive to transfer all of my backed-up files to the other processor and zip went the drive. Its fried. Not to worry Kathryn says, we’ll transfer these files to flash drives.
But will the drives work on either processor? Not to worry Kathryn says, we’ll use them on my laptop–which has Windows 7 on it.
I type faster and better with my desktop keyboard–they keys are raised,they are bigger to accomodate my false fingernails, and more like my old Selectric typewriter that I used for several years. Not to worry says Kathryn, I can attach the keyboard to my laptop. And use the mouse instead of the roll-plate.
I like using the larger flat screen monitor rather than the small screen on my laptop. Not to worry says Kathryn, we’ll plug the larger monitor into the laptop. Nada. The connections do not match. And then I would have two screens exactly alike–not split screens to view more stuff.
I feel like the house built like topsy–topsy turvey technology created from a bit here and apiece there and a cord from some place else. I have a whole bin full of discarded cords from printers that no longer work and telephones, corded and cordless, that no longer receive or send calls.
Just in case you have concluded–that is, if you have read this far–that my professional research files might also be topsy turvey. Not so. I spent the time while the computer was down to make sure that they are tidy, all in one place (UGH! have to change that), alphabetical by client with reports delivered and reports due clearly segregated and marked for action. I never let my research files fall into disarray. I would have to be dead to let them get mixed up. When you misfile a folder, it can stay misfiled forever–or so it seems.
What does any of this have to do with your genealogy?
- Much research is already completed for new clients and old client alike. This raw data is filed in folders awaiting final analysis and reports.
- And the family and pedigree charts on which I have already charted the genealogy evidence–as I go through the records–especially land, probate, and court evidence–duly attached to the documents which supplied the evidence in the first place.
- Maps showing where the family lived and how they moved from place to place are already colored (even color-coded). Maps, too, are evidence contributing to the pedigree and family proof and I organize and analyze them as I go through the records.
- Bibliographic and source citation information for the next round of research are identified and awaiting searches or recommendations for future work.
- Each report will contain all of these elements–most of which I process as I go through the records.
Your favorite genealogist and GO TO GUY (or GIRL) wants to ensure that I trace your lineage–not someone who does not relate to you. And I have discovered that the more evidence that I know about, as I go through the records, the less likely it is that I track the wrong family.
So I have some requests of you:
- If you have been expecting a report from me and you have not received it, please let me know. You can send me an email. Or you can send me a FAX 435-553-4585. Or you can write me a letter PO Box 129, Tremonton UT 84337-0129. Or you can call me on the phone ( the least efficient way since I travel a lot and when I am not on the road, I am at the Family History Library or some other research facility and I am not home to answer the phone) 435-579-1743. Or you can corner me at a Family History Expo near you for details on your research. The next event is at the Gwinnett Center in Duluth GA (north of Atlanta) the second weekend of November 2011. I have a cell phone although I do not text nor do I use the mobile to stay in touch with anyone. My family, my close associates, and clients that I need to reach, have that number. You will find it posted on your research report. I do not post it on my website.
- Your written report comes by email. Ahead of the documents, charts, maps, raw data, etc. So you know that the report will be coming and how big it is. And what problems I encountered or solved. And what I recommend to do next. With my email virused and down–and this is not the first time–your written report may be in outer space, I believe that they are trying to convince us that this is the cloud and it has a role to play in all this technology. If you have been expecting a written report from me and it has not come, please let me know–see above for your options.
- Over the past month, several clients have notified me that they did not get their reports. And I have become concerned–for I always make an offer for further work when I send you a report–there is always more work to be done. For every question that is answered by research, 2-6 questions more will surface seeking answers. When you run out of questions, you run out of research. Most of the time, research opportunity is endless and unlimited. I believe that a dead-end ancestor is sloppy or inadequate research . So let me know–and if you have questions, please let me know what they are. I keep a security copy of all genealogy research reports.–just for this purpose. Any time I broke this rule, I had trouble. I can replace a missing report–and when that happens, I usually check to see if anything new has appeared to change my conclusions. If there is new data, I copy it and send it along. And even after you have the report in hand, I may find something that pushes the pedigree along a little. I send that along too.
Once my email is re-established, I will send a version of this blog to each and every client. I probably have stuff in your files that you will want to see. Your favorite genealogist and GO TO GUY (Or GIRL), Arlene Eakle
PS I decided to extend my Research Grant Offer–up to $400.00 grant when you sign on for research. This offer is still available on my Home Page– And it applies whether you are a current client or whether you are thinking of signing on for the very first time. (Don’t you hate it when especially good offers apply only to new clients ? Lots of businesses actually penalize loyalty. I don’t.
PPS Give me a little time to replace lost reports. I am the only one who does this important function–it is me who can update with new stuff, because I know your research and what I have already done.