Samuel Johnson told his literary friend and colleague James Boswell that”the greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, for a man must turn over half a library to make one book .”
[I borrowed this wonderful sentence from Philip Levy’s review of The Dividing Line Histories of William Byrd II of Westover. edited by Kevin Berland (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013). The review appeared in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol122 #1 (2015): 68-69.]
Since mid-January 2015, Holly Hansen, James Tanner, and I have published a book a month with DVD live class instruction and power point presentation. Do you believe? Six books in six months–each one on a different, carefully focused genealogy subject:
- Scandinavian Sources and Strategies: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. With Nordic sections by Ruth E. Maness.
- The Power of Marriage Documents. With Annulment, Separation, and Divorce by Ruby Coleman.
- The Ins and Outs of Probate.
- Proving Family Relationships: U.S. Land and Tax Records. With Homestead Records of Nebraska by Ruby Coleman.
- Ancestors and Immigrants from the British Isles: England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. With Ireland and Scotland sections by Judith E. Wight
- Virginia Research: Bypassing Burned Counties.
These books can be ordered online from Each book-DVD set is $30.00 plus postage and handling.
Break your losing Streak!
This is your opportunity to get the very latest genealogy research directions so you can break your losing streak! And we will continue to issue a new book with audio DVD and power point each and every month in 2015.
And you can participate by attending–with one-on-one research guidance from Holly, James, Billy Edgington, and I at our week-long Learning Experience and Research Retreat. For a full week we will take you by the hand and lead you to your ancestors.
Or you can join us we present live webinar instruction each morning and afternoon. Buy one session or the whole week.
Sharpen your research blade along with us!
Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS I really cannot list the many things I, too, have learned by spending a full week with genealogy experts and avid learners for this years exciting program. And I have turned over many a library section to prepare my chapters in these books. Did you know that Irish slaves were brought to Virginia in the early 1600’s? This is just one of the hundreds of genealogy learnings in our program. Why not sign up today?