Question: What do you know about the World War I Bonuses paid in 1924?

Can you help?  Gentle Reader, what do you know about the World War I bonuses paid to soldiers in 1924?

Here is a little-known source that I want to know more about–seems the veterans marched on Washington in 1924.  They made a camp in the capital, so they could get their bonuses–$3,000.00 to be awarded to soldiers who served the entire war.  The Police broke up the camp and drove the veterans out of Washington DC.

If you know anything about this event…

If you know about surviving records…

If you had an ancestor who got a bonus…

Or if your ancestor marched…

Please share what you know.  You can provide a comment to this blog or contact me direct by email  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  I intent to contact the National Archives to see what they know.

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