Capture the Whole Genealogy Tech Enchilada at the Rapid City, SD Family History Expo

Genealogy Bonuses, by their very nature, are often bribes–to attract your attention and to influence you to act.  And this bribe is a true genealogy bonus–filled with Genealogy Tech!

When you say to me, “Arlene, I so wish I knew what you know…” I want to reply, “It’s easy—

  1. Attend a genealogy conference and hear me speak. Register at for Rapid City SD Expo
  2. Attend the sessions taught by other instructors.
  3. Take notes.
  4. Examine all the stuff brought for you to see and review in the Exhibit Hall.
  5. Question speakers, vendors, and other attendees on what they know.
  6. Buy those products you expect will expand your pedigree once you get home.
  7. Study the syllabus, when you get home, to review what the speakers had to say.
  8. Apply what you heard, studied, and saw to your own hard-to-find ancestors.

This is not rocket science.  These steps are a Golden Formula awaiting your focus.

And here’s your BONUS:  Once you register for the Rapid City Family History Expo, you get an access code for the syllabus–Not just the classes presented in Rapid City on Saturday 18 June 2011—you get the Whole Genealogy Tech Enchilada!

You see, Rapid City is just one event on an EXPO Circuit that includes North Platte NE 16 June, Sheridan WY 21 June, and Loveland CO 24-25 June 2011.  And Holly Hansen has prepared the whole syllabus of almost 400 pages as a BONUS for you.

You can get, with your registration fee, what is taught by all of the speakers for all 4 events on one CD.  Or online to download those segments of greatest value to you.  Or, in one printed volume (extra charge of $25.00). The combined knowledge and experience of every single speaker for all 4 events on the circuit, in one whole set of class handouts.

What you may not know about Arlene Eakle:

I purchase the printed volume at each EXPO I attend and read it.  Cover to cover. My tech skills, as most of you know, are a work in progress.  So I read the handouts, and study the illustrations, and seek out the websites and references that are suggested in each speaker’s stuff.  It is a whole university course–each Expo.

And the best part about it all, is the price is a pittance:  $55.00 now or $60.00 at the door. And the Rapid City conference is close to home!  In this tough economy out there, you cannot get a better bribe.

Register today for Rapid City:

1.      Learn what I know.  Did you know that I have used the same research system since 1970?  Did you know this research system has guaranteed me a consistent success rate for all these years? I’ll teach it to you, step-by-step.

2.      Learn what Leland Meitzler knows–did you know that Leland is bringing his whole bookstore with him to Rapid City?  Close to home you can buy books.

3.      Learn what Holly Hansen knows—did you know that she usually doesn’t speak at her events?  Did you know she is a researcher of considerable merit?  Did you know she’s teaching three classes in Rapid City! Two classes in North Platte, and two classes in Sheridan WY?  All her classes are on the CD.

4.      Learn what Marlo Schuldt, Billy Edgington, Ruby Coleman, and Ken Aubuchon know.  Did you know each one of these experts will share their special expertise with you?  And sell you their products too.

And you get the Whole Genealogy Tech Enchilada on CD or online.  Or you can buy the printed volume like I do.  This syllabus also includes all the presentations for the big, 3rd Annual Colorado Family History Expo 24-25 June to be held in Loveland CO at the Embassy Suites on I-25.

You really don’t want to miss this truly unique opportunity to learn what Arlene Eakle knows.  And capture your genealogy BONUS—the Whole Genealogy Tech Enchilada.  Such an opportunity may not come your way again.

Your favorite genealogist,   Arlene Eakle

PS  My whole research system will be available for sale at the EXPOs too.  Just wanted you to know.  And you can ask me about your hardest-to-find-ancestor for FREE.

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