Publishing a Book

The AARP Magazine provided these Stats (from 2015):

Self-published books, 700,000
Commercially published books, 300,000
Chance of a book being stocked by a bookstore–1%

No information given:
Chance of a book being bought or donated to a library
Chance book is available as ebook
Chance of book issued online as a digital book
Chance book becomes a best-seller
Chance book makes the New York Times Best-seller List
Chance book is made into motion picture or tv series

Since I love bookstores and libraries, sometimes daily I am in one or the other. And I miss the “new” bookshelves that used to be at every library, in outside windows and “just in the door” sections of bookstores and malls. I grieve when a library is down-sized or closed. And I am so grateful for the many new library buildings that have appeared across America–including branch libraries in old city neighborhoods.

Like Erasmus, “When I get a little money, first I buy books. If I have any money left over I buy food and clothes.”

Your favorite genealogist, Arlene H. Eakle

PS I’m doing my best, because I still believe in books–How else can you learn from what is stored in my brain? From Jan 2015 to 1 May 2017, I will have 26 new books with several chapters written by me. This past two weeks, I have written three chapters a week for the Research Guide on New York being published in print and online by Family History Expos, PO Box 187, Morgan UT 84050 and 

PPS These books are also available through





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