Crash Course in Family History

Let me introduce you to  the Crash Course in Family History, 4th ed.  Paul Larsen,, PO Box 1758, St. George UT 84771. In three “easy” steps, Paul  Larsen has created a how-to-research book of considerable value.  Each step is color-coded—indeed, the whole book is filled with color.  So it is beautiful to look at, easy to read, and efficient to follow from one step to the others:

Step 1.  Identify your Ancestors Using your family.
Step 2.  Add new Branches to your Family Tree using the Internet.
Step 3.  Connect with the Lives and Stories of your ancestors.

A companion eBook provides live links for the many internet sites described or recommended by the author.  Tutorials and specific lessons ensure that you begin easily and finish with a sense of accomplishment.

Accompanying the Course are a series of utility ebooks on separate discs including:

Family History Toolbox with cutting edge tools and gadgets to speed up your work.

Best Free Archived NewspapersBring your Ancestors to Life using Newspapers

All of these resources can be used with Windows, Mac, IPad, eReaders, and Smartphones.  A brand-new edition has just come from the press—with some 100 new pages, new websites, new tutorials, and other resources to enable you to research and write your family history.  This new version is a bit pricey–and given the many websites described with their research strengths and provided with live links,Mr. Larsen has taken a lot of the hard search time from you.

You can order your copy from the website above or pick up your copy of the book at  any Family History Expo where the books will be for sale in the Exhibit Hall.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  You can register at any event sponsored by Family History Expos while the “early bird” rate is still available.  The program scheduled this year is innovative and really a unique learning experience. I am so looking forward to teaching all of you gentle readers with this special genealogy curriculum.

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