My system of genealogy research guarantees a high rate of accuracy and thus, success. It is not, however, a speedy approach.
- Research connections determine the path of the study. This includes access to sources that will solve the problem. Each and every genealogy library has different resources. All the way from donated family histories to maps to periodicals by subscription to online databases and scanned images. Even microfilm copies of the United States Census will vary from library to library. Why? Because reference librarians cater to patrons’ interests. And patrons and their lineages differ.
- My clients come from all over the US, with one or two from Canada and the U.K. So their pedigrees include a variety of ancestors. They number more than 600 clients for whom I have done the research and another 400+ who wanted to do the research themselves under my direction.
- My areas of specialty are: Southern US with special interest in Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, and Kentucky; New York with close neighbors Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island; Native American ancestry; British Isles–England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isles of the Sea. A keen interest in Swiss ancestry and some parts of Southern Germany have expanded my research skills here as well. These specialties attract clients whose ancestors originate in these places and provide a focus for the work that I do. Where surnames match, I can combine the research through the same sources so you get good mileage for your research investment.
- The Genealogy Library Center, Inc., which my husband Alma and I established in Tremonton UT to house the personal genealogy collections of retiring/retired genealogists so they would not be thrown out or otherwise lost. Including my own rather large collection (which even now fills most of my 8-bedroom home from floor to ceiling). This research center provides access to highly focused and specialized genealogy materials.
- DNA studies linking pedigrees within known family relationships and matches beyond known family ties.
- My speaking schedule takes me close to many genealogy libraries and archives, so I usually try to combine a seminar with time to research these local facilities. When I know the collection is available that will expand a pedigree–I am unable to spend my time on resources that might expand it. Getting to the collection is the key. Since I usually work on the hardest-to-find ancestors, using field researchers to search unfamiliar records may not be practical. My research guarantee requires my expertise. And doing two things at once usually keeps the costs more reasonable. Such planning takes time.
Look, I have trained some really good genealogists. And I utilize their services where I can.
Reading property documents is not a chore that I assign to others. Understanding the property process with its accompanying legal background, is less widespread than reading the census–it requires experience as well as study.
What does all this have to do with Your Genealogy?
Instant research reports are self-defeating. You want the answers, not just a description of conclusions that could be drawn if we had access to the records. And since I prefer to supply proven ancestors, I continue to search until I find the answers.
Don’t give the Pirates of the Pedigree cause to cheat you of these answers. Allow time for your ancestors to be found. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS My next area of speaking and research/reporting to clients–The Northern California Family History Expo in Sacramento CA, 6-7 July 2012. With client reports, acquisition of collections for the Genealogy Library Center, and research in the cemeteries of the Bay area and its many genealogy libraries and archives the week following. You could bring your hard to solve pedigree problems to the EXPO for my expertise.