Bring your own Professional and Expert Research Assistants with you to the Family History Library.

New changes are underway at the Family History Library:     Many of the reference consultants whose faces were familiar features at the Library have been furloughed or re-assigned to other parts of the Library. And several of the best have retired.

But, Not to worry! Bring your own Professional and Expert Research Assistants with you to the Family History Library.  On Leland Meitzler’s Annual Christmas Tour Professional Experts are available to teach you how to research more effectively and to guide you to the records that will reveal your ancestors–US research… British Isles research (including Ireland)… European research (including Eastern Europe)… DNA and computer TechnologyPhotographing and Mapping your genealogy… It’s all covered, with some of the best professional research help genealogy has to offer.

35 Days to the Annual Christmas Tour sponsored by Leland and Patty Meitzler at the Family History Library–8-13 December 2014, Lodging and classes at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel next door.

You can still sign up.  There is still room.  We’d love to have you.  Register now and sign on to the Christmas Tour newsletter edited by Donna Potter Phillips.

Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  You get my whole attention at the Christmas Tour all week and Linda Brinkerhoff is coming from Vermont with a new presentation on New England research and the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 

You don’t want to miss even a minute.


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