Sources and Resources on the Southwest Pennsylvania Frontier

The Southwest Pennsylvania Frontier is a genealogy challenge of considerable importance. This is a “pass-through” area for ancestors going west or south, and eventually north. And we need all the help we can get in this area.

One of the richest resources is the Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Quarterly, published by the Society since 1973–volumes 1-36 through 2008. You can order a subscription and past issues from the WPGS, 4100 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080.

Among the pages of this periodical you will find examples, including full name lists and abstracts of these categories of records:

Personal Papers (ministers, government officials, justices of the peace, traders)

Church Records


Newspaper Announcements
__”missing friends”

Family Bibles
__collective purchaser

Military Forts

__burial registers
__wagoners’ accounts
__blockhouse rolls
__Quartermaster Records

Court Records

__stock and ear marks
__slave manumissions
__lists of heirs
__toll collectors reports
__wills and administrations

Legislative Records


Property Records

__Land Company Records
__tax rolls
__Land Commissioners Records

Immigrant Contracts
(including places of origin)

Family Records

__genealogy queries
__cemetery transcriptions

New Book Reviews

Library Accessions and Acquisitions
(including family files, research notes)

New Research Projects
__English, Irish, Welsh Ironworkers in PA, 1830-1880 by Margaret Evans, 361 Orchard Spring Road, Pittsburgh PA 15220-1715.

Whole Issues

__Water Transportation, Feb-84
__The Old Pike (with maps), Feb-84
__Rev. Robert Ayres Records, Spring-88
__Scots-Irish, Spring-90
__History of Pittsburgh Diocese, Summer-90
__Whiskey Rebellion, Spring-94
__Presbyterian Colleges, Spring-95
__Frontier Forts: PA, VA, MD, OH, 1790-1794, Spring-2001

Jean S. Morris has been the editor for several years and the general quality of the journal and the integrity of the information are largely due to her efforts.

I have read each and every issue, always finding something of value for my client research, for my seminar presentations, and for my own personal interest. And I highly recommend this genealogy periodical to your attention.

In Memoriam–

Mrs. Robert (Twila Joy Hendrickson) Smidt died 16 Nov 2007

Mrs. Doris (Dockstader) Rooney born 26 Sep 1909; died 6 Jan 2008

These two stalwart genealogists from the Kansas Genealogical Society always went out of their way to help both beginners and seasoned genealogists–whatever research challenge they may have had.

And they helped me. When I arrived in town unannounced, I knew I could call either or both of them and they would open the library and stay all day to ensure that I could find what I needed–even taking me to lunch so we could catch up on genealogy and family activities.

Twila and Doris even helped me choose a ski jacket at the mall (where the Kansas Genealogical Society Library is located). The temperature outside was barely 5 degrees and my coat was clearly inadequate. Incidentally, I still l have that jacket–it washes like a handkerchief and is good for 10 degrees below!

11 October 2008:  KGS 50th Anniversary Seminar

On 11 October 2008 I am privileged to speak at the Kansas Genealogical Society 50th Anniversary Seminar! And I will miss seeing these two wonderful genealogists. And for those of you who have never been to their library in Dodge City KS, the local genealogy collection for their members and their ancestors–wherever they come from–is expanded by the Kansas DAR Library with a wealth of genealogical details to fill in the gaps on your charts and your DAR apps. I am trying to persuade the Society to have the Library open for at least some of the time of the Seminar and the day before. This is a selfish wish. And of value to all who may attend the event. Are you registered? If not, visit my speaking schedule and register now. I understand the Seminar space is limited.

Your favorite genealogy expert, Arlene Eakle

PS For those of you who have ordered New York issues–they are being reprinted to meet the demand. Be ready to ship next week.

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