And your petitioner will ever pray…

I am spending every day from 8:00 or 9:00 am through 8:45 pm at the Family History Library. Every half hour I get a new genealogy problem to work on.  Among these projects was the request for United Empire Loyalist ancestry–

So let me share with you a few finds among the new books at the FHL:

  1. And Your Petitioner Will Every Pray:  The Papers of the First Land Board of the Mecklenburg/Midland District, 1789-1794.  2007.  522 pages.  Transcribed and Indexed by Linda Corupe, U.E.  210 Allan Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 1Y7.  Canada.  Each entry gives the previous place of residence, the military unit in which the claimant served, and the members of the family who are represented in the claim.
  2. Loyalist Children of Upper Canada:  A Collection of Names.  The Preface says:  “Locating the third generation Loyalist descendant happens to be the most difficult to document in a primary source format.  However I found many references to the third generation in the documents in the OA, Sub-Series RG 1-149-3, Container 1-15 (formerly MS-693, C1-1-3 Series)  Warrants of United Empire Loyalists, Claimant and Children after 1818.  As birth, right, many children received their warrants just to turn around and sell the land for profit.”  Entries include the warrant # and location of the land ticket if noted as well as child, husband if married, and parents if noted. Available from Pathfinder Genealogical Services, 10 Amberwood Court, St. Catharines, Ontario, L2N 7E1, Canada. 
  3. Index to the Uppr Canada Land Books, 1781-1841.  9 vols.  2005-06.  Susan Smart, General Editor.  Prepared and published by the Ontario Genealogical Society, 40 Orchard View Boulevard, Suite 102, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9.  This series of volumes is an index and a finding aid combined with microfilm roll numbers included.

In a couple of hours, genealogists on the genealogy tour found proof of their third and fourth generation ancestors as well as pedigree extensions–where it took my husband Alma, several days of concentrated work just to identify his UEL ancestors.

This is one of unfinished projects he was working on at the time he became ill.  And left to me to finish.  You see, he wanted to compile a history of each ancestor who joined the Mormon Church and moved to Utah.  And he has a lot of them.

A portion of his manuscript was lost when our truck was burglarized in a motel parking lot in Phoenix.  The thieves took the briefcase containing the draft pages he was editing.  We were so glad that he left the bulk of the manuscript home!  Very bad idea to put genealogy into a briefcase–use a box.  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS This is one of the most rewarding parts of genealogy for me, helping someone else find ancestors.  Helping genealogists find the real story behind the source. Helping others locate the genetic backgrounds of their lives.  And in the process, discovering what is behind me and my loved ones.  Stay tuned for my Isle of Man tale.   

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