Computer databases have been compiled since the late 1990s. And I have file cabinet drawers full of them. Do they still exist? All of the blacksmiths in Southern Illinois? Cemetery readings from New York graveyards? Marriages published in the Gold Camp News?
Where do we look for the genealogy output of past years? I really would like to know–if you have some ideas, will you share them with us?
I have a library with many genealogy periodicals–most of them with computer columns and announcements of new databases now available or just getting underway. Linda Brinkerhoff wrote a book called Vital Records Computer Databases. For a while we updated it and then it got a way from us and while we still have the printed versions, we don’t sell it because we don’t know if the information still is available.
When a book is printed now, every website is checked and I am amazed at how many publishers of microfilmed records and printed genealogy sources no longer are in business. What about the databases–on CD’s, floppy discs, external drives, and flash drives. How to find them in a format that can be searched? Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle.
PS Send me an email will you, if you know how to check for a database–