Your favorite genealogist has launched a new Scots-Irish Blog. You will find the link on my Home Page. Seems that many of the email addresses in my Address Book will not accept emails from me–many of you will not have been individually notified of the launch.
This is a big undertaking for me. One that I have invested hundreds of hours in research and study. And one that requires considerable courage to present. Yet, one of the subject areas that I am drawn to like a honey bee to fragrant flowers.
So I invite all of you gentle readers to check this new Blog out. And stay tuned as I pour new facts and learning your way. I also invite your comments and suggestions for areas of study you might have begun and abandoned because of the lack of information or the loss of pertinent records. Actually, there is more material available than one lifetime can pursue–and I have been around for a while.
The Scots-Irish are a fascinating and novel study. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle
PS The more I view the United States Government and its tentacles grasping aspects of my life, the more I realize that I am blessed to be living “at the end of the world.” In Tremonton UT. And the more I enjoy returning to the peace and quiet of my home and my Genealogy Library Center. I don’t work for the United States Government–I work for you.
PPS Stay tuned for an update of what is happening with my Library. Almost every week I get a shipment of genealogy from someone. And this week is no exception–6 boxes labelled “British Records” arrived by UPS today. I haven’t had time to open them–I will first thing in the morning. And I brought a box of discarded stuff from a Family History Center last week. I get to go through it on Monday. So I’ll let you know what “genealogy goodies” have been added since the first of the year.